messenger_bot v1.0.0-beta10 MessengerBot

MessengerBot Client

Link to this section Summary


Facebook App ID

Pagination cursor value from previous calls, can be nil

Domain list

Field list

Custom label ID

Metric list

Facebook Page ID

Reference for Facebook Page data

User’s page-scoped ID or app-scoped ID

API call execution result

Optional request transaction identifier. This value is passed is passed into EventBus Event struct


Broadcast API / broadcast_message

Broadcast API / custom_labels

Broadcast API / create_message_creatives

Broadcast API / delete_custom_label

Messenger Profile API / Fetch account linking url

Broadcast API / fetch_custom_label

Messenger Profile API / Fetch get started

Messenger Profile API / Fetch greeting

Messenger Profile API / Fetch home url

ID Matching API / ids_for_app

ID Matching API / ids_for_page

Messenger Profile API / Fetch payment settings

Messenger Profile API / Fetch persistent menu

Handover Protocol API / secondary_receivers

Messenger Profile API / Fetch target audience

User Profile API / user_profiles

Messenger Profile API / Fetch whitelisted domains

Broadcast API / label_user

Broadcast API / list_custom_labels

Broadcast API / list_custom_labels_of_user

Handover Protocol API / pass_thread_control

Handover Protocol API / request_thread_control

Messenger Profile API / Reset account linking url

Messenger Profile API / Reset get started

Messenger Profile API / Reset greeting

Messenger Profile API / Reset home url

Messenger Profile API / Reset payment settings

Messenger Profile API / Reset persistent menu

Messenger Profile API / Reset target audience

Messenger Profile API / Reset whitelisted domains

Messenger Profile API / Set account linking url

Messenger Profile API / Set get started

Messenger Profile API / Set greeting

Messenger Profile API / Set home url

Messenger Profile API / Set payment_settings

Messenger Profile API / Set persistent menu

Messenger Profile API / Set target audience

Messenger Profile API / Set whitelisted domains

Handover Protocol API / take_thread_control

Broadcast API / unlabel_user

Account Linking API / unlink_accounts

Link to this section Types

Link to this type app_id()
app_id() :: String.t()

Facebook App ID

Link to this type cursor()
cursor() :: {:after, String.t()} | {:before, String.t()} | {}

Pagination cursor value from previous calls, can be nil

Link to this type domains()
domains() :: [String.t()]

Domain list

Link to this type fields()
fields() :: [String.t()]

Field list

Link to this type label_id()
label_id() :: integer() | String.t()

Custom label ID

Link to this type metrics()
metrics() :: [String.t()]

Metric list

Link to this type page_id()
page_id() :: String.t()

Facebook Page ID

Link to this type page_ref()
page_ref() :: {app_id(), page_id()}

Reference for Facebook Page data

Using page_ref, MessengerBot client access to the page token and app secret data from the configuration.

Link to this type psid()
psid() :: integer() | String.t()

User’s page-scoped ID or app-scoped ID

Link to this type res()
res() :: {:ok, Map.t()} | {:error, Map.t()}

API call execution result

Successful HTTP requests will return tuple of :ok with response body as Map. Unsuccessful HTTP requests will return tuple of :error with response body as Map.

For HTTP client errors, it will return tuple of {:error, %{error: reason}}, where reason is an error tuple of Tesla dependency.

Link to this type tx_id()
tx_id() :: String.t()

Optional request transaction identifier. This value is passed is passed into EventBus Event struct.

It is usually used to track events in the same transaction. For example; when you send batch messages to an audience, you can track which messages delivered in the same transaction. Or while setting a Messenger Profile, you may need to make series of requests to complete the page setup. You can use same tx_id to trace sequential related events.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function broadcast_message(arg, message_ref, tx_id \\ nil)
broadcast_message(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / broadcast_message


iex> message_ref = %{message_creative_id: 938461089}
iex> MessengerBot.broadcast_message({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, message_ref)
{:ok, %{"broadcast_id" => 827}}
Link to this function create_custom_label(arg, label, tx_id \\ nil)
create_custom_label(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / custom_labels


iex> label = %{name: "<LABEL_NAME>"}
iex> MessengerBot.create_custom_label({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, label)
{:ok, %{"id" => 1712444532121303}}
Link to this function create_message_creative(arg, messages, tx_id \\ nil)
create_message_creative(page_ref(), [Map.t()], tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / create_message_creatives


iex> messages = [%{}]
iex> MessengerBot.create_message_creative({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, messages)
{:ok, %{"message_creative_id" => 938461089}}
Link to this function create_messenger_code(arg, req, tx_id \\ nil)
create_messenger_code(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Code API


iex> req = %{type: "standard", data: %{ref: "ads"}, image_size: 1000}
iex> MessengerBot.create_messenger_code({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, req)
{:ok, %{"uri" => "..."}}
Link to this function delete_custom_label(arg, label_id, tx_id \\ nil)
delete_custom_label(page_ref(), label_id(), tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / delete_custom_label


iex> label_id = 1712444532121303
iex> MessengerBot.delete_custom_label({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, label_id)
{:ok, %{"success" => true}}
Link to this function fetch_account_linking_url(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_account_linking_url(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch account linking url


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_account_linking_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"account_linking_url" => "https://..."}]}}
Link to this function fetch_custom_label(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_custom_label(page_ref(), {label_id(), list()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / fetch_custom_label


iex> label_id = 1712444532121303
iex> fields = ~w(name)
iex> MessengerBot.fetch_custom_label({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {label_id, fields})
{:ok, %{"name" => "myLabel", "id" => "1001200005002"}}
Link to this function fetch_get_started(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_get_started(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch get started


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_get_started({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"get_started" => %{"payload" => "..."}}]}}
Link to this function fetch_greeting(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_greeting(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch greeting


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_greeting({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"greeting" => [%{}]}]}}
Link to this function fetch_home_url(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_home_url(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch home url


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_home_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"home_url" => %{}}]}}
Link to this function fetch_ids_for_app(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_ids_for_app(page_ref(), {psid(), cursor()}, tx_id()) :: res()

ID Matching API / ids_for_app


iex> psid = 1234567890
iex> cursor = {:after, "NjgyNDk4MTcxOTQzMTY1"}
iex> MessengerBot.fetch_ids_for_app({"<AppID>", nil}, {psid, cursor})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"id" => "1429374444444138", }], "paging" => %{}}}
Link to this function fetch_ids_for_page(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_ids_for_page(page_ref(), {psid(), cursor()}, tx_id()) :: res()

ID Matching API / ids_for_page


iex> psid = 1234567890
iex> cursor = nil
iex> MessengerBot.fetch_ids_for_page({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {psid, cursor})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"id" => "1429374444444138", }], "paging" => %{}}}
Link to this function fetch_insights(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_insights(page_ref(), {metrics(), integer(), integer()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Insights API


iex> metrics = ~w(page_messages_new_conversations_unique page_messages_active_threads_unique)
iex> MessengerBot.fetch_insights({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {metrics, nil, nil})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{name: "...", period: "day", values: []}, ]}}
Link to this function fetch_messaging_feature_review(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_messaging_feature_review(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messaging Feature Review API


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_messaging_feature_review({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{feature: "...", status: "..."}, ]}}
Link to this function fetch_payment_settings(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_payment_settings(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch payment settings


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_payment_settings({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"payment_settings" => %{}}]}}
Link to this function fetch_persistent_menu(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_persistent_menu(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch persistent menu


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_persistent_menu({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"persistent_menu" => [%{}, %{}]}]}}
Link to this function fetch_secondary_receivers(arg, fields, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_secondary_receivers(page_ref(), fields(), tx_id()) :: res()

Handover Protocol API / secondary_receivers

Link to this function fetch_target_audience(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_target_audience(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch target audience


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_target_audience({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"target_audience" => %{}}]}}
Link to this function fetch_user_profile(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_user_profile(page_ref(), {psid(), fields()}, tx_id()) :: res()

User Profile API / user_profiles


iex> psid = 1234567890
iex> fields = ~w(first_name last_name profile_pic locale timezone gender)
iex> MessengerBot.fetch_user_profile({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {psid, fields})
{:ok, %{"first_name" => "...", "last_name" => "...", }}
Link to this function fetch_whitelisted_domains(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
fetch_whitelisted_domains(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Fetch whitelisted domains


iex> MessengerBot.fetch_whitelisted_domains({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"data" => [%{"whitelisted_domains" => ["", ]}]}}
Link to this function label_user(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
label_user(page_ref(), {integer(), Map.t()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / label_user


iex> label_id = 1712444532121303
iex> user = %{user: "<PSID>"}
iex> MessengerBot.label_user({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {label_id, user})
{:ok, %{"success" => true}}
Link to this function list_custom_labels(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
list_custom_labels(page_ref(), {fields(), cursor()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / list_custom_labels


iex> cursor = {:after, "QVFIUmItNkpTbjVzakxFWGRy"}
iex> fields = ~w(id name)
iex> MessengerBot.list_custom_labels({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {fields, cursor})
{:ok, %{"data" => [], "paging" => {"cursors" => {"after" => "<>", "before" => "<>"}}}}
Link to this function list_custom_labels_of_user(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
list_custom_labels_of_user(page_ref(), {psid(), cursor()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / list_custom_labels_of_user


iex> cursor = {:after, "QVFIUmItNkpTbjVzakxFWGRy"}
iex> fields = ~w(id name)
iex> MessengerBot.list_custom_labels_of_user({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {fields, cursor})
{:ok, %{"data" => [], "paging" => {"cursors" => {"after" => "<>", "before" => "<>"}}}}
Link to this function pass_thread_control(arg, req, tx_id \\ nil)
pass_thread_control(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Handover Protocol API / pass_thread_control

Link to this function request_thread_control(arg, req, tx_id \\ nil)
request_thread_control(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Handover Protocol API / request_thread_control

Link to this function reset_account_linking_url(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_account_linking_url(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset account linking url


iex> MessengerBot.reset_account_linking_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_get_started(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_get_started(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset get started


iex> MessengerBot.reset_get_started({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_greeting(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_greeting(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset greeting


iex> MessengerBot.reset_greeting({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_home_url(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_home_url(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset home url


iex> MessengerBot.reset_home_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_payment_settings(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_payment_settings(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset payment settings


iex> MessengerBot.reset_payment_settings({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_persistent_menu(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_persistent_menu(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset persistent menu


iex> MessengerBot.reset_persistent_menu({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_target_audience(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_target_audience(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset target audience


iex> MessengerBot.reset_target_audience({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function reset_whitelisted_domains(arg, tx_id \\ nil)
reset_whitelisted_domains(page_ref(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Reset whitelisted domains


iex> MessengerBot.reset_whitelisted_domains({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function send_message(arg, req, tx_id \\ nil)
send_message(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Send API

Please refer to platform documentation for message types and payloads:


iex> req = %{messaging_type: "...", recipient: %{id: "12"}, message: %{text: "hi!"}}
iex> MessengerBot.send_message({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, req)
{:ok, %{recipient_id" => "12", "message_id" => "mid..."}}
Link to this function set_account_linking_url(arg, account_linking_url, tx_id \\ nil)
set_account_linking_url(page_ref(), String.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set account linking url


iex> url = ""
iex> MessengerBot.set_account_linking_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, url)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_get_started(arg, payload \\ "GET_STARTED", tx_id \\ nil)

Messenger Profile API / Set get started


iex> payload = "GET_STARTED"
iex> MessengerBot.set_get_started({"<AppID>", "<PageID>", payload})
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}

iex> MessengerBot.set_get_started({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, "JUST_STARTED")
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_greeting(arg, greeting, tx_id \\ nil)
set_greeting(page_ref(), [Map.t()], tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set greeting


iex> greeting = [%{locale: "default", text: "Hey!"}]
iex> MessengerBot.set_greeting({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, greeting)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_home_url(arg, home_url, tx_id \\ nil)
set_home_url(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set home url


iex> home_url = %{url: "htt..", webview_height_ratio: "tall"}
iex> MessengerBot.set_home_url({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, home_url)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_payment_settings(arg, payment_settings, tx_id \\ nil)
set_payment_settings(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set payment_settings

Link to this function set_persistent_menu(arg, persistent_menu, tx_id \\ nil)
set_persistent_menu(page_ref(), list(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set persistent menu


iex> menu = []
iex> MessengerBot.set_persistent_menu({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, menu)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_target_audience(arg, target_audience, tx_id \\ nil)
set_target_audience(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set target audience


iex> audience = %{audience_type: "custom", countries: %{whitelist: ["US", "TR"]}}
iex> MessengerBot.set_target_audience({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, audience)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function set_whitelisted_domains(arg, whitelisted_domains, tx_id \\ nil)
set_whitelisted_domains(page_ref(), domains(), tx_id()) :: res()

Messenger Profile API / Set whitelisted domains


iex> domains = ["", ""]
iex> MessengerBot.set_whitelisted_domains({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, domains)
{:ok, %{"result" => "success"}}
Link to this function take_thread_control(arg, req, tx_id \\ nil)
take_thread_control(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Handover Protocol API / take_thread_control

Link to this function unlabel_user(arg1, arg2, tx_id \\ nil)
unlabel_user(page_ref(), {integer(), Map.t()}, tx_id()) :: res()

Broadcast API / unlabel_user


iex> label_id = 1712444532121303
iex> user = %{user: "<PSID>"}
iex> MessengerBot.unlabel_user({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, {label_id, user})
{:ok, %{"success" => true}}
Link to this function upload_attachment(arg, attachment, tx_id \\ nil)
upload_attachment(page_ref(), Map.t(), tx_id()) :: res()

Attachment Upload API


iex> attachment = %{type: "image", payload: %{url: "...", is_reusable: true}}
iex> MessengerBot.upload_attachment({"<AppID>", "<PageID>"}, attachment)
{:ok, %{"attachment_id" => "1857777774821032"}}