View Source Microformats2 (microformats2 v1.0.1)

A microformats2 parser for Elixir.



Parse a document either by URL or by content. Returns a microformats2 parsing structure or :error.


Link to this function

parse(content_or_url, base_url_or_opts \\ [], opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec parse(String.t() | Floki.html_tree(), String.t() | keyword(), keyword()) ::
  :error | map()

Parse a document either by URL or by content. Returns a microformats2 parsing structure or :error.


  • content_or_url is either the HTML document or a URL
  • base_url_or_opts is either the base URL of the document (if the first argument is a HTML string) or a keyword list of options
  • opts is an option list when the first argument is an HTML string


Valid options are:

  • :atomize_keys: true or false, defaults to false. Convert keys to atoms when true, e.g. "rels" to :rels
  • :underscore_keys: true or false, false by default. Convert dashed keys to underscored keys when true, e.g. "rel-urls" to "rel_urls" or :"rel-urls" to :rel_urls


iex> Microformats2.parse("")
%{"rels" => [], "rel-urls" => [], "items" => []}

iex> Microformats2.parse("", atomize_keys: true, underscore_keys: true)
%{rels: [], rel_urls: [], items: []}

iex> Microformats2.parse("""
<div class="h-card">
  <img class="u-photo" alt="photo of Mitchell"
  <a class="p-name u-url" href="">Mitchell Baker</a>
  (<a class="u-url" href="">@MitchellBaker</a>)
  <span class="p-org">Mozilla Foundation</span>
  <p class="p-note">
    Mitchell is responsible for setting the direction and scope of the Mozilla Foundation and its activities.
  <span class="p-category">Strategy</span>
  <span class="p-category">Leadership</span>
""", "")
  "items" => [
      "properties" => %{
        "category" => ["Strategy", "Leadership"],
        "name" => ["Mitchell Baker"],
        "note" => ["Mitchell is responsible for setting the direction and scope of the Mozilla Foundation and its activities."],
        "org" => ["Mozilla Foundation"],
        "photo" => [
            "alt" => "photo of Mitchell",
            "value" => ""
        "url" => ["",
      "type" => ["h-card"]
  "rel-urls" => %{},
  "rels" => %{}