View Source MishkaDeveloperTools (Mishka developer tools v0.1.5)

Mishka Elixir Developer Tools

We tried to deliver a series of our client's CMS built on Elixir at the start of the Mishka Group project, but we recently archived this open-source project and have yet to make plans to rework and expand it. This system was created using Phoenix and Phoenix LiveView. After a long period, a series of macros and functional modules emerged from this project and our other projects, which we are gradually publishing in this library.

NOTICE: Do not use the master branch; this library is under heavy development. Expect version 0.1.3, and for using the new features, please wait until a new release is out.

Mishka developer tools provides some macros and modules to make creating your elixir application as easy as possible


The package can be installed by adding mishka_developer_tools to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:mishka_developer_tools, "~> 0.1.3"}

The docs can be found at