View Source MishkaInstaller.Installer.Live.DepGetter (Mishka Installer v0.0.4)

Allows you to work with installed extensions in a simple and efficient manner. Some important tools and removal/installation facilities are accessible for usage. It's not necessary to install this module; you may do it in a matter of seconds. Using this dashboard will need the usage of Phoenix LiveView, as it was built entirely using this library. Bootstrap is used to construct the HTML components, but if you don't have it, you'll need to add the CSS yourself. Real-time services are available in this section. A different LiveView file can also be used, as can calling it directly from the router. It is through this layer that the Port and Phoenix Pubsub modules are linked to keep tabs on the installation.

  • Note: This dashboard is currently modest, but greater management tools will be provided in the future, therefore we recommend that you utilize it now.

  • Note: For this reason, make important to set up authentication and authorization procedures and provide it access to your superuser before using this dashboard.


Below you can see the graph of connecting this module to another module.

|                                        |
|                                        |       |
+------------------+---------------------+       |
                   |                             |
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  +----------------v-------------------+         |
  |                                    |         |
  |MishkaInstaller.Installer.DepHandler|         |
  |                                    |         |
  +----------------+-------------------+         |
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                   |                             |
+------------------v--------------------------+  |
|                                             |  |
|MishkaInstaller.Installer.DepChangesProtector|  |
|                                             |  |
+-----+---------------------------------------+  |
      |                                          |
      |                                          |
      |                                          |
      |                     +--------------------v-+
      |                     |                      |
      |                     | MishkaInstaller.Hook |
      |                     |                      |
      |                     +---------+------------+
      |                               |
      |                               |
      |          +--------------------v------------------------+
      |          |                                             |
      |          | MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnChangeDependency|
      |          |                                             |
      |          +---------------------------------------------+
                       |                         |
  +--------------------v--------------------+    |
  |                                         |    |
  |MishkaInstaller.Installer.RunTimeSourcing|    |
  |                                         |    |
  +-----------------------------------------+    |
            +------------------------------+     |
            |MishkaInstaller.DepCompileJob +----->
            +------------------------------+     |

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

@spec error_to_string(:not_accepted | :too_large | :too_many_files) :: String.t()