View Source MishkaInstaller.Installer.MixCreator (Mishka Installer v0.0.4)

In version 0.0.2, the MishkaInstaller library was used to download a dependency from the project's own mix.exs file, so this module was written to edit this file. In fact, this module uses the Sourceror library to change the mentioned mix.exs file (with AST). Another use of this module is reading information from the programmer's Git or custom link.

  • Warning: in the next versions of MishkaInstaller, instead of mix.exs, the client project will be downloaded directly from Git or site. If this update is executed, the original project will not be changed.
  • This module is not going to be deleted in new versions.

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With the help of this function, you can make a backup copy of mix.exs and mix.lock of your project and keep it in the deployment/extensions path. If this function is used with one input, it targets the mix.exs file, and if the second input is :lock atom, it targets the mix.lock file to keep a backup copy. With the help of this function, you can make a backup copy of mix.exs and mix.lock of your project and keep it in the deployment/extensions path. If this function is used with one input, it targets the mix.exs file, and if the second input is :lock atom, it targets the mix.lock file to keep a backup copy.

This function receives a list of libraries stored in the extensions.json file along with the mix.exs path of the file that needs to be changed, and after that, it changes the deps function in mix.exs and overwrites it with the new libraries.

This function is also the same as the backup_mix/1 function, with the difference that it returns the backed-up version to the project path. Both functions use the File.copy/2 function just to improve the naming and also to warn the programmer that it has been replaced in this file.

Link to this section Functions

@spec backup_mix(binary()) :: {:error, atom()} | {:ok, non_neg_integer()}

With the help of this function, you can make a backup copy of mix.exs and mix.lock of your project and keep it in the deployment/extensions path. If this function is used with one input, it targets the mix.exs file, and if the second input is :lock atom, it targets the mix.lock file to keep a backup copy. With the help of this function, you can make a backup copy of mix.exs and mix.lock of your project and keep it in the deployment/extensions path. If this function is used with one input, it targets the mix.exs file, and if the second input is :lock atom, it targets the mix.lock file to keep a backup copy.



MishkaInstaller.Installer.MixCreator.backup_mix("mix.lock", :lock)
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backup_mix(lock_path, atom)

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@spec backup_mix(binary(), :lock) :: {:error, atom()} | {:ok, non_neg_integer()}

Read backup_mix/1 description.

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create_mix(list_of_deps, mix_path)

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@spec create_mix([tuple()], binary()) :: :ok | {:error, atom()}

This function receives a list of libraries stored in the extensions.json file along with the mix.exs path of the file that needs to be changed, and after that, it changes the deps function in mix.exs and overwrites it with the new libraries.



mix_path = MishkaInstaller.get_config(:mix)
MixCreator.create_mix(mix_path.project[:deps], "mix_path")

As you see, we pass the current dependencies to let this function merge it with extensions.json

@spec restore_mix(binary()) :: {:error, atom()} | {:ok, non_neg_integer()}

This function is also the same as the backup_mix/1 function, with the difference that it returns the backed-up version to the project path. Both functions use the File.copy/2 function just to improve the naming and also to warn the programmer that it has been replaced in this file.



MishkaInstaller.Installer.MixCreator.restore_mix("mix.lock", :lock)
Link to this function

restore_mix(lock_path, atom)

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@spec restore_mix(binary(), :lock) :: {:error, atom()} | {:ok, non_neg_integer()}

Read restore_mix/1 description.