Mix v1.9.0 mix release View Source

Assembles a self-contained release for the current project:

MIX_ENV=prod mix release
MIX_ENV=prod mix release NAME

Once a release is assembled, it can be packaged and deployed to a target, as long as the target runs on the same operating system (OS) distribution and version as the machine running the mix release command.

A release can be configured in your mix.exs file under the :releases key inside def project:

def project do
    releases: [
      demo: [
        include_executables_for: [:unix],
        applications: [runtime_tools: :permanent]


You can specify multiple releases where the key is the release name and the value is a keyword list with the release configuration. Releasing a certain name is done with:

MIX_ENV=prod mix release demo

If the given name does not exist, an error is raised.

If mix release, without a name, is invoked and there are multiple names, an error will be raised unless you set default_release: NAME at the root of your project configuration.

If mix release is invoked and there are no names, a release using the application name and default values is assembled.

Why releases?

Releases allow developers to precompile and package all of their code and the runtime into a single unit. The benefits of releases are:

  • Code preloading. The VM has two mechanisms for loading code: interactive and embedded. By default, it runs in the interactive mode which dynamically loads modules when they are used for the first time. The first time your application calls Enum.map/2, the VM will find the Enum module and load it. There’s a downside. When you start a new server in production, it may need to load many other modules, causing the first requests to have an unusual spike in response time. Releases run in embedded mode, which loads all available modules upfront, guaranteeing your system is ready to handle requests after booting.

  • Configuration and customization. Releases give developers fine grained control over system configuration and the VM flags used to start the system.

  • Self-contained. A release does not require the source code to be included in your production artifacts. All of the code is precompiled and packaged. Releases do not even require Erlang or Elixir in your servers, as it includes the Erlang VM and its runtime by default. Furthermore, both Erlang and Elixir standard libraries are stripped to bring only the parts you are actually using.

  • Multiple releases. You can assemble different releases with different configuration per application or even with different applications altogether.

  • Management scripts. Releases come with scripts to start, restart, connect to the running system remotely, execute RPC calls, run as daemon, run as a Windows service, and more.

Running the release

Once a release is assembled, you can start it by calling bin/RELEASE_NAME start inside the release. In production, you would do:

MIX_ENV=prod mix release
_build/prod/rel/my_app/bin/my_app start

bin/my_app start will start the system connected to the current standard input/output, where logs are also written to by default. This is the preferred way to run the system. Many tools, such as systemd, platforms as a service, such as Heroku, and many containers platforms, such as Docker, are capable of processing the standard input/output and redirecting the log contents elsewhere. Those tools and platforms also take care of restarting the system in case it crashes.

You can also execute one-off commands, run the release as a daemon on Unix-like system, or install it as a service on Windows. We will take a look at those next. You can also list all available commands by invoking bin/RELEASE_NAME.

One-off commands (eval and rpc)

If you want to invoke specific modules and functions in your release, you can do so in two ways: using eval or rpc.

bin/RELEASE_NAME eval "IO.puts(:hello)"
bin/RELEASE_NAME rpc "IO.puts(:hello)"

The eval command starts its own instance of the VM but without starting any of the applications in the release and without starting distribution. For example, if you need to do some prep work before running the actual system, like migrating your database, eval can be a good fit. Just keep in mind any application you may use during eval has to be explicitly started.

Another way to run commands is with rpc, which will connect to the system currently running and instruct it to execute the given expression. This means you need to guarantee the system was already started and be careful with the instructions you are executing. You can also use remote to connect a remote IEx session to the system.

Helper module

As you operate your system, you may find yourself running some piece of code as a one-off command quite often. You may consider creating a module to group these tasks:

# lib/my_app/release_tasks.ex
defmodule MyApp.ReleaseTasks do
  def eval_purge_stale_data() do
    # Eval commands needs to start the app before
    # Code that purges stale data

  def rpc_print_connected_users() do
    # Code that print users connected to the current running system

In the example above, we prefixed the function names with the command name used to execute them, but that is entirely optional.

And to run them:

bin/RELEASE_NAME eval "MyApp.ReleaseTasks.eval_purge_stale_data()"
bin/RELEASE_NAME rpc "MyApp.ReleaseTasks.rpc_print_connected_users()"

Daemon mode (Unix-like)

You can run the release in daemon mode with the command:

bin/RELEASE_NAME daemon_iex

In daemon mode, the system is started on the background via run_erl. You may also want to enable heart in daemon mode so it automatically restarts the system in case of crashes. See the generated releases/RELEASE_VSN/env.sh file.

The daemon will write all of its standard output to the "tmp/log/" directory in the release root. A developer can also attach to the standard input of the daemon by invoking "to_erl tmp/pipe/" from the release root. However, note that attaching to the system should be done with extreme care, since the usual commands for exiting an Elixir system, such as hitting Ctrl+C twice or Ctrl+\, will actually shut down the daemon. Therefore, using bin/RELEASE_NAME remote should be preferred, even in daemon mode.

You can customize the tmp directory used both for logging and for piping in daemon mode by setting the RELEASE_TMP environment variable. See the "Customization" section.

Services mode (Windows)

While daemons are not available on Windows, it is possible to install a released system as a service on Windows with the help of erlsrv. This can be done by running:

bin/RELEASE_NAME install

Once installed, the service must be explicitly managed via the erlsrv executable, which is included in the erts-VSN/bin directory. The service is not started automatically after installing.

For example, if you have a release named demo, you can install the service and then start it from the release root as follows:

bin/demo install
erts-VSN/bin/erlsrv.exs start demo_demo

The name of the service is demo_demo because the name is built by concatenating the node name with the release name. Since Elixir automatically uses the same name for both, the service will be referenced as demo_demo.

The install command must be executed as an administrator.

bin/RELEASE_NAME commands

The following commands are supported by bin/RELEASE_NAME:

start        Starts the system
start_iex    Starts the system with IEx attached
daemon       Starts the system as a daemon (Unix-like only)
daemon_iex   Starts the system as a daemon with IEx attached (Unix-like only)
install      Installs this system as a Windows service (Windows only)
eval "EXPR"  Executes the given expression on a new, non-booted system
rpc "EXPR"   Executes the given expression remotely on the running system
remote       Connects to the running system via a remote shell
restart      Restarts the running system via a remote command
stop         Stops the running system via a remote command
pid          Prints the OS PID of the running system via a remote command
version      Prints the release name and version to be booted



A release is built on a host, a machine which contains Erlang, Elixir, and any other dependencies needed to compile your application. A release is then deployed to a target, potentially the same machine as the host, but usually separate, and often there are many targets (either multiple instances, or the release is deployed to heterogeneous environments).

To deploy straight from a host to a separate target without cross-compilation, the following must be the same between the host and the target:

  • Target architecture (e.g. x86_64 vs ARM)
  • Target Vendor+OS (e.g. Windows, Linux, Darwin/macOS)
  • Target ABI (e.g. musl, gnu)

This is often represented in the form of target triples, e.g. x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-unknown-linux-musl, x86_64-apple-darwin.

So to be more precise, to deploy straight from a host to a separate target, the Erlang Runtime System (ERTS), and any native dependencies (NIFs), must be compiled for the same target triple. If you are building on a MacBook (x86_64-apple-darwin) and trying to deploy to a typical Ubuntu machine (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu), the release will not work. Instead you should build the release on a x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu host. As we will see, this can be done in multiple ways, such as releasing on the target itself, or by using virtual machines or containers, usually as part of your release pipeline.

In addition to matching the target triple, it is also important that the target has all of the system packages that your application will need at runtime. A common one is the need for OpenSSL when building an application that uses :crypto or :ssl, which is dynamically linked to ERTS. The other common source for native dependencies like this comes from dependencies containing NIFs (natively-implemented functions) which may expect to dynamically link to libraries they use.

These system packages are typically managed using the system package manager, but if necessary, you can also bundle the compiled object files in the release, as long as they were compiled for the same target. If doing so, you need to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the paths containing the bundled objects.

Currently, there is no official way to cross-compile a release from one target triple to another, due to the complexities involved in the process.


There are a couple of ways to guarantee that a release is built on a host with the same properties as the target. A simple option is to fetch the source, compile the code and assemble the release on the target itself. It would be something like this:

git clone remote://path/to/my_app.git my_app_source
cd my_app_source
mix deps.get --only prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
_build/prod/rel/my_app/bin/my_app start

If you prefer, you can also compile the release to a separate directory, so you can erase all source after the release is assembled:

git clone remote://path/to/my_app.git my_app_source
cd my_app_source
mix deps.get --only prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --path ../my_app_release
cd ../my_app_release
rm -rf ../my_app_source
bin/my_app start

However, this option can be expensive if you have multiple production nodes or if the release assembling process is a long one, as each node needs to individually assemble the release.

You can automate this process in a couple different ways. One option is to make it part of your Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline. When you have a CI/CD pipeline, it is common that the machines in your CI/CD pipeline run on the exact same target triple as your production servers (if they don't, they should). In this case, you can assemble the release at the end of your CI/CD pipeline by calling MIX_ENV=prod mix release and push the artifact to S3 or any other network storage. To perform the deployment, your production machines can fetch the deployment from the network storage and run bin/my_app start.

Another mechanism to automate deployments is to use images, such as Amazon Machine Images, or container platforms, such as Docker. For instance, you can use Docker to run locally a system with the exact same target triple as your production servers. Inside the container, you can invoke MIX_ENV=prod mix release and build a complete image and/or container with the operating system, all dependencies as well as the releases.

In other words, there are multiple ways systems can be deployed and releases can be automated and incorporated into all of them as long as you remember to build the system in the same target triple.

Once a system is deployed, shutting down the system can be done by sending SIGINT/SIGTERM to the system, which is what most containers, platforms and tools do, or by explicitly invoking bin/RELEASE_NAME stop. Once the system receives the shutdown request, each application and their respective supervision trees will stop, one by one, in the opposite order that they were started.


There are a couple ways in which developers can customize the generated artifacts inside a release.


The following options can be set inside your mix.exs on each release definition:

  • :applications - a keyword list that configures and adds new applications to the release. The key is the application name and the value is one of:

    • :permanent - the application is started and the node shuts down if the application terminates, regardless of reason
    • :transient - the application is started and the node shuts down if the application terminates abnormally
    • :temporary - the application is started and the node does not shut down if the application terminates
    • :load - the application is only loaded
    • :none - the application is part of the release but it is neither loaded nor started

    All applications default to :permanent.

    By default :applications include the current application and then we proceed to include all applications the current application depends on recursively. You can include new applications or change the mode of existing ones by listing them here. The order of the applications given in :applications will be preserved as much as possible, with only :kernel, :stdlib, :sasl and :elixir listed before the given application list.

    Releases assembled from an umbrella project require this configuration to be explicitly given.

  • :strip_beams - a boolean that controls if BEAM files should have their debug information, documentation chunks and other non-essential metadata removed. Defaults to true.

  • :cookie - a string representing the Erlang Distribution cookie. If this option is not set, a random cookie is written to releases/COOKIE file when the first release is assembled. At runtime, we will first attempt to fetch the cookie from the RELEASE_COOKIE environment variable and then we'll read the releases/COOKIE file.

    If you are setting this option manually, we recommend the cookie option to be a long and randomly generated string, such as: Base.url_encode64(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(40)). We also recommend to restrict the characters in the cookie to the subset returned by Base.url_encode64/1.

  • :path - the path the release should be installed to. Defaults to "_build/MIX_ENV/rel/RELEASE_NAME".

  • :version - the release version as a string. Defaults to the current application version.

  • :quiet - a boolean that controls if releases should write to the standard output its steps. Defaults to false.

  • :include_erts - a boolean indicating if the Erlang Runtime System (ERTS), which includes the Erlang VM, should be included in the release. The default is true, which is also the recommended value. It may also be a string as a path to an existing ERTS installation or an anonymous function of zero arity which should return any of the above.

    You may also set it to false if you desire to use the ERTS version installed on the target. Note, however, the ERTS version on the target must have THE EXACT VERSION as the ERTS version used when the release is assembled. Setting it to false also disables hot code upgrades. Therefore, :include_erts should be set to false with caution and only if you are assembling the release on the same server that runs it.

  • :include_executables_for - a list of atoms detailing for which Operating Systems executable files should be generated for. By default, it is set to [:unix, :windows]. You can customize those as follows:

    releases: [
      demo: [
        include_executables_for: [:unix] # Or [:windows] or []
  • :steps - a list of steps to execute when assembling the release. See the "Steps" section for more information.

Besides the options above, it is possible to customize the generated release with custom template files or by tweaking the release steps. We will detail both approaches next.

vm.args and env.sh (env.bat)

Developers may want to customize the VM flags and environment variables given when the release starts. This is typically done by customizing two files inside your release: releases/RELEASE_VSN/vm.args and releases/RELEASE_VSN/env.sh (or env.bat on Windows).

However, instead of modifying those files after the release is built, the simplest way to customize those files is by running mix release.init. The Mix task will copy custom rel/vm.args.eex, rel/env.sh.eex, and rel/env.bat.eex files to your project root. You can modify those files and they will be evaluated every time you perform a new release. Those files are regular EEx templates and they have a single assign, called @release, with the Mix.Release struct.

The vm.args may contain any of the VM flags accepted by the erl command.

The env.sh and env.bat is used to set environment variables. In there, you can set vars such as RELEASE_NODE, RELEASE_COOKIE, and RELEASE_TMP to customize your node name, cookie and tmp directory respectively. Whenever env.sh or env.bat is invoked, the variables RELEASE_ROOT, RELEASE_NAME, RELEASE_VSN, and RELEASE_COMMAND have already been set, so you can rely on them. See the section on environment variables for more information.

Furthermore, while vm.args is static, you can use env.sh and env.bat to dynamically set VM options. For example, if you want to make sure the Erlang Distribution listens only on a given port known at runtime, you can set the following:

export ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-kernel inet_dist_listen_min $BEAM_PORT inet_dist_listen_max $BEAM_PORT"

Or for Windows, in your env.bat:

set ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-kernel inet_dist_listen_min %BEAM_PORT% inet_dist_listen_max %BEAM_PORT%"


It is possible to add one or more steps before and after the release is assembled. This can be done with the :steps option:

releases: [
  demo: [
    steps: [&set_configs/1, :assemble, &copy_extra_files/1]

The :steps option must be a list and it must always include the atom :assemble, which does most of the release assembling. You can pass anonymous functions before and after the :assemble to customize your release assembling pipeline. Those anonymous functions will receive a Mix.Release struct and must return the same or an updated Mix.Release struct.

See Mix.Release for more documentation on the struct and which fields can be modified. Note that :steps field itself can be modified and it is updated every time a step is called. Therefore, if you need to execute a command before and after assembling the release, you only need to declare the first steps in your pipeline and then inject the last step into the release struct. The steps field can also be used to verify if the step was set before or after assembling the release.

Application configuration

Releases provides two mechanisms for configuring OTP applications: build-time and runtime.

Build-time configuration

Whenever you invoke a mix command, Mix loads the configuration in config/config.exs, if said file exists. It is common for the config/config.exs file itself import other configuration based on the current MIX_ENV, such as config/dev.exs, config/test.exs, and config/prod.exs. We say that this configuration is a build-time configuration as it is evaluated whenever you compile your code or whenever you assemble the release.

In other words, if your configuration does something like:

config :my_app, :secret_key, System.fetch_env!("MY_APP_SECRET_KEY")

The :secret_key key under :my_app will be computed on the host machine, whenever the release is built. Setting the MY_APP_SECRET_KEY right before starting your release will have no effect.

Luckily, releases also provide runtime configuration, which we will see next.

Runtime configuration

To enable runtime configuration in your release, all you need to do is to create a file named config/releases.exs:

import Config
config :my_app, :secret_key, System.fetch_env!("MY_APP_SECRET_KEY")

Your config/releases.exs file needs to follow three important rules:

  • It MUST import Config at the top instead of the deprecated use Mix.Config
  • It MUST NOT import any other configuration file via import_file
  • It MUST NOT access Mix in any way, as Mix is a build tool and it not available inside releases

If a config/releases.exs exists, it will be copied to your release and executed as soon the system starts. Once the configuration is loaded, the Erlang system will be restarted (within the same Operating System process) and the new configuration will take place.

Therefore, for runtime configuration to work properly, it needs to be able to persist the newly computed configuration to disk. The computed config file will be written to "tmp" directory inside the release every time the system boots. You can configure the "tmp" directory by setting the RELEASE_TMP environment variable, either explicitly or inside your releases/RELEASE_VSN/env.sh (or env.bat on Windows).

Config providers

Releases also supports custom mechanisms, called config providers, to load any sort of runtime configuration to the system while it boots. For example, if you need to access a vault or load configuration from a JSON file, it can be achieved with config providers. See the Config.Provider for more information and a simple example.

The following options can be set inside your releases key in your mix.exs to control how runtime configuration and config providers work:

  • :runtime_config_path - the path to your runtime configuration file. Defaults to config/releases.exs.

  • :start_distribution_during_config - on Erlang/OTP 22+, releases only start the Erlang VM distribution features after the config files are evaluated. You can set it to true if you need distribution during configuration. Defaults to false.

  • :prune_runtime_sys_config_after_boot - every time your system boots, the release will write a config file to your tmp directory. These configuration files are generally small. But if you are concerned with disk space or if you have other restrictions, you can ask the system to remove said config files after boot. The downside is that you will no longer be able to restart the system internally (neither via System.restart/0 nor bin/RELEASE_NAME start). If you need a restart, you will have to terminate the Operating System process and start a new one. Defaults to false.

  • :config_providers - a list of tuples with custom config providers. See Config.Provider for more information. Defaults to [].

Customization and configuration summary

Generally speaking, the following files are available for customizing and configuring the running system:

  • config/config.exs (and config/prod.exs) - provides build-time application configuration, which are executed when the release is assembled

  • config/releases.exs - provides runtime application configuration. It is executed every time the release boots and is further extensible via config providers

  • rel/vm.args.eex - a template file that is copied into every release and provides static configuration of the Erlang Virtual Machine and other runtime flags

  • rel/env.sh.eex and rel/env.bat.eex - template files that are copied into every release and are executed on every command to set up environment variables, including specific ones to the VM, and the general environment

Directory structure

A release is organized as follows:


Environment variables

The system sets different environment variables. The following variables are set early on and can only be read by env.sh and env.bat:

  • RELEASE_ROOT - points to the root of the release. If the system includes ERTS, then it is the same as :code.root_dir/0. This variable is always computed and it cannot be set to a custom value

  • RELEASE_COMMAND - the command given to the release, such as "start", "remote", "eval", etc. This is typically accessed inside env.sh and env.bat to set different environment variables under different conditions. Note, however, that RELEASE_COMMAND has not been validated by the time env.sh and env.bat are called, so it may be empty or contain invalid values. This variable is always computed and it cannot be set to a custom value

  • RELEASE_NAME - the name of the release. It can be set to a custom value when invoking the release

  • RELEASE_VSN - the version of the release, otherwise the latest version is used. It can be set to a custom value when invoking the release. The custom value must be an existing release version in the releases/ directory

The following variables can be set before you invoke the release or inside env.sh and env.bat:

  • RELEASE_COOKIE - the release cookie. By default uses the value in releases/COOKIE. It can be set to a custom value

  • RELEASE_NODE - the release node name, in the format name@host. It can be set to a custom value

  • RELEASE_VM_ARGS - the location of the vm.args file. It can be set to a custom path

  • RELEASE_TMP - the directory in the release to write temporary files to. It can be set to a custom directory. It defaults to $RELEASE_ROOT/tmp

  • RELEASE_MODE - if the release should start in embedded or interactive mode. Defaults to "embedded". It applies only to start/daemon/install commands

  • RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION - how do we want to run the distribution. Using name (long names) or sname (short names). Defaults to sname which allows access only within the current system. name allows external connections. If name is used and you are not running on Erlang/OTP 22 or later, you must set RELEASE_NODE to RELEASE_NAME@ with an IP or a known host

  • RELEASE_BOOT_SCRIPT - the name of the boot script to use when starting the release. This script is used when running commands such as start and daemon. The boot script is expected to be located at the path releases/RELEASE_VSN/RELEASE_BOOT_SCRIPT.boot. Defaults to start

  • RELEASE_BOOT_SCRIPT_CLEAN - the name of the boot script used when starting the release clean, without your application or its dependencies. This script is used by commands such as eval, rpc, and remote. The boot script is expected to be located at the path releases/RELEASE_VSN/RELEASE_BOOT_SCRIPT_CLEAN.boot. Defaults to start_clean


Releases are well integrated with umbrella projects, allowing you to release one or more subsets of your umbrella children. The only difference between performing a release in the umbrella project compared to a regular application is that umbrellas require you to explicitly list your release and the starting point for each release. For example, imagine this umbrella applications:


where both my_app_event_processing and my_app_web depend on my_app_core but they do not depend on each other.

Inside your umbrella, you can define multiple releases:

releases: [
  web_and_event_processing: [
    applications: [
      my_app_event_processing: :permanent,
      my_app_web: :permanent

  web_only: [
    applications: [my_app_web: :permanent]

  event_processing_only: [
    applications: [my_app_event_processing: :permanent]

Note you don't need to define all applications in :applications, only the entry points. Also remember that the recommended mode for all applications in the system is :permanent.

Finally, keep in mind it is not required for you to assemble the release from the umbrella root. You can also assemble the release from each child application individually. Doing it from the root, however, allows you to include two applications that do not depend on each other as part of the same release.

Hot Code Upgrades

Erlang and Elixir are sometimes known for the capability of upgrading a node that is running in production without shutting down that node. However, this feature is not supported out of the box by Elixir releases.

The reason we don't provide hot code upgrades is because they are very complicated to perform in practice, as they require careful coding of your processes and applications as well as extensive testing. Given most teams can use other techniques that are language agnostic to upgrade their systems, such as Blue/Green deployments, Canary deployments, Rolling deployments, and others, hot upgrades are rarely a viable option. Let's understand why.

In a hot code upgrade, you want to update a node from version A to version B. To do so, the first step is to write recipes for every application that changed between those two releases, telling exactly how the application changed between versions, those recipes are called .appup files. While some of the steps in building .appup files can be automated, not all of them can. Furthermore, each process in the application needs to be explicitly coded with hot code upgrades in mind. Let's see an example. Imagine your application has a counter process as a GenServer:

defmodule Counter do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

  def bump do
    GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :bump)

  ## Callbacks

  def init(:ok) do
    {:ok, 0}

  def handle_call(:bump, counter) do
    {:reply, :ok, counter + 1}

You add this process as part of your supervision tree and ship version 0.1.0 of your system. Now let's imagine that on version 0.2.0 you added two changes: instead of bump/0, that always increments the counter by one, you introduce bump/1 that passes the exact value to bump the counter. You also change the state, because you want to store the maximum bump value:

defmodule Counter do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

  def bump(by) do
    GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:bump, by})

  ## Callbacks

  def init(:ok) do
    {:ok, {0, 0}}

  def handle_call({:bump, by}, {counter, max}) do
    {:reply, :ok, {counter + by, max(max, by)}}

If you to perform a hot code upgrade in such application, it would crash, because in the initial version the state was just a counter but in the new version the state is a tuple. Furthermore, you changed the format of the call message from :bump to {:bump, by} and the process may have both old and new messages temporarily mixed, so we need to handle both. The final version would be:

defmodule Counter do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

  def bump(by) do
    GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:bump, by})

  ## Callbacks

  def init(:ok) do
    {:ok, {0, 0}}

  def handle_call(:bump, {counter, max}) do
    {:reply, :ok, {counter + 1, max(max, 1)}}

  def handle_call({:bump, by}, {counter, max}) do
    {:reply, :ok, {counter + by, max(max, by)}}

  def code_change(_, counter, _) do
    {:ok, {counter, 0}}

Now you can proceed to list this process in the .appup file and hot code upgrade it. This is one of the many steps one necessary to perform hot code upgrades and it must be taken into account by every process and application being upgraded in the system. The .appup cookbook provides a good reference and more examples.

Once .appups are created, the next step is to create a .relup file with all instructions necessary to update the release itself. Erlang documentation does provide a chapter on Creating and Upgrading a Target System. Learn You Some Erlang has a chapter on hot code upgrades.

Overall, there are many steps, complexities and assumptions made during hot code upgrades, which is ultimately why they are not provided by Elixir out of the box. However, hot code upgrades can still be achieved by teams who desire to implement those steps on top of mix release in their projects or as separate libraries.

Command line options

  • --force - forces recompilation
  • --no-archives-check - does not check archive
  • --no-deps-check - does not check dependencies
  • --no-elixir-version-check - does not check Elixir version
  • --no-compile - does not compile before assembling the release
  • --overwrite - if there is an existing release version, overwrite it
  • --path - the path of the release
  • --quiet - do not write progress to the standard output
  • --version - the version of the release