View Source Mjml (mjml v3.1.0)

Provides functions for transpiling MJML email templates to HTML.



Converts an MJML string to HTML content.


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to_html(mjml, opts \\ [])

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Converts an MJML string to HTML content.

Returns a result tuple:

  • {:ok, html} for a successful MJML transpiling
  • {:error, message} for a failed MJML transpiling

You can pass render options to customize the rendering of the final HTML:

  • keep_comments – when false, removes the comments from the rendered HTML. Defaults to true.

  • social_icon_path – when given, uses this base path to generate social icon URLs. E.g. social_icon_path: "" will generate a social icon URL, like ""

  • fonts – a Map of font names and their URLs to hosted CSS files. When given, includes these fonts in the rendered HTML (Note that only actually used fonts will show up!). Defaults to nil, which will make the default font families available to be used (Open Sans, Droid Sans, Lato, Roboto, and Ubuntu).


iex> Mjml.to_html("<mjml><mj-head></mj-head></mjml>")
{:ok, "<!doctype html><html xmlns=..."}

iex> Mjml.to_html("something not MJML")
{:error, "Couldn't convert MJML template"}

iex> opts = [
iex>   keep_comments: false,
iex>   social_icon_path: ""
iex>   fonts: %{
iex>     "Noto Color Emoji": ""
iex>   }
iex> ]
iex> Mjml.to_html("<mjml><mj-head></mj-head></mjml>", opts)
{:ok, "<!doctype html><html xmlns=..."}