View Source Mnemonex (Mnemonex v1.2.3)

Mnemonex application

Link to this section Summary


A keyword list with output formatting options


decode a mnemonicoded word list

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Link to this section Types

@type coder_options() :: [
  name: atom(),
  as_list: boolean(),
  words_per_group: pos_integer(),
  word_separator: String.t(),
  groups_per_line: pos_integer(),
  group_separator: String.t(),
  line_prefix: String.t(),
  line_suffix: String.t()

A keyword list with output formatting options

  • name: registered process name (default: :mnx_coder)
  • as_list: return a list of unformatted words (default: false)
  • words_per_group: words per output group (default: 3)
  • word_separator: combining words in a group (default: -)
  • groups_per_line: groups per output line (default: 2)
  • group_separator: combining groups in a line (default: --)
  • line_prefix: prepended to each output line (default: empty string)
  • line_suffix: appended to each output line (default: )

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

decode(input, server \\ :mnx_coder)

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@spec decode(binary(), term()) :: binary()

decode a mnemonicoded word list

All non-alphabetic (ASCII) characters are treated as word breaks. There is presently no graceful handling of improperly entered words.

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encode(input, server \\ :mnx_coder)

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@spec encode(binary() | pos_integer(), term()) :: binary()

encode a binary

Unsigned big-endian integers may also be encoded, but note that there is presently no affordance to decode them back to same.

The output format depends on configuration variables (described therein.)

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