View Source Moar.File (Moar v1.62.0)

File-related functions.



Generate a sha256 checksum of a file's contents

Returns a randomly-named path in the system temp directory. Does not actually create the file at the path.

Delegates to!/2 in a way that's compatible with older Elixir versions.

Writes contents to a new temp file with extension file_extension, and returns the path to the file.


@spec checksum(Path.t()) :: binary()

Generate a sha256 checksum of a file's contents

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@spec new_tempfile_path(file_extension :: binary()) :: binary()

Returns a randomly-named path in the system temp directory. Does not actually create the file at the path.

For example, Moar.File.new_tempfile_path(".txt") would return something like "/var/folders/3r/n09zyyy16yddj9m2d1ppzvt40000gn/T/XY7V5E26DV.txt".

iex> Moar.File.new_tempfile_path(".txt") |> File.exists?()
@spec stream!(Path.t(), pos_integer()) :: File.Stream.t()

Delegates to!/2 in a way that's compatible with older Elixir versions.

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write_tempfile(contents, file_extension)

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@spec write_tempfile(contents :: iodata(), file_extension :: binary()) :: binary()

Writes contents to a new temp file with extension file_extension, and returns the path to the file.

For example, Moar.File.write_tempfile("hello", ".txt") would create a file in a path something like /var/folders/3r/n09zyyy16yddj9m2d1ppzvt40000gn/T/RHUEJCCH22.txt with the contents hello.

iex> Moar.File.write_tempfile("hello", ".txt") |>!()