View Source Mobius.Exports (mobius v0.6.1)

Support retrieving historical data in different formats

Current formats:

  • CSV
  • Series
  • Line plot
  • Mobius Binary Format (MBF)

The Mobius Binary Format (MBF) is a format that contains the current state of all metrics. This binary format is useful for transferring metric information in a format that other services can parse and use. For more details see mbf/1.



Options for exporting a CSV

Metric types that can be exported

Options to use when exporting time series metric data


Generate a CSV for the metric

Export all metrics in the Mobius Binary Format (MBF)

Retrieve the raw metric data from the history store for a given metric.

Parse the mobius binary format into a list of metrics

Plot the metric name to the screen

Generates a series that contains the value of the metric


@type csv_export_opt() ::
  export_opt() | {:headers, boolean()} | {:iodevice, IO.device()}

Options for exporting a CSV

@type export_metric_type() :: Mobius.metric_type() | {:summary, atom()}

Metric types that can be exported

By default you can try to export any Mobius.metric_type(), but for the summary metric type you can specify which summary type you want to export.

@type export_opt() ::
  {:mobius_instance, Mobius.instance()}
  | {:from, integer()}
  | {:to, integer()}
  | {:last, integer() | {integer(), Mobius.time_unit()}}

Options to use when exporting time series metric data

  • :mobius_instance - the name of the Mobius instance you are using. Unless you specified this in your configuration you should be safe to allow this option to default, which is :mobius_metrics.
  • :last - display data point that have been captured over the last x amount of time. Where x is either an integer or a tuple of {integer(), time_unit()}. If you only pass an integer the time unit of :seconds is assumed. By default Mobius will plot the last 3 minutes of data.
  • :from - the unix timestamp, in seconds, to start querying from
  • :to - the unix timestamp, in seconds, to stop querying at
@type mfb_export_opt() :: {:out_dir, Path.t()} | export_opt()


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csv(metric_name, type, tags, opts \\ [])

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@spec csv(binary(), export_metric_type(), map(), [csv_export_opt()]) ::
  :ok | {:ok, binary()} | {:error, Mobius.Exports.UnsupportedMetricError.t()}

Generate a CSV for the metric

Please see Mobius.Exporters.CSV for more information.

# Return CSV as string
{:ok, csv_string} = Mobius.Exports.csv("", :last_value, %{})

# Write to console
Mobius.Exports.csv("", :last_value, %{}, iodevice: :stdio)

# Write to a file
file ="mycsv.csv", [:write])
:ok = Mobius.Exports.csv("", :last_value, %{}, iodevice: file)
@spec mbf([mfb_export_opt()]) ::
  binary() | {:ok, Path.t()} | {:error, Mobius.FileError.t()}

Export all metrics in the Mobius Binary Format (MBF)

This is mostly useful when you want to share metric data with different networked services.

The binary format is <<version, metric_data::binary>>

The first byte is the version number of the following metric data. Currently, the version number is 1.

The metric data binary is the type of [Mobius.metric()] encoded in Binary ERlang Term format (BERT) and compressed (using Zlib compression).

Optionally, to_mbf/1 can write the binary to a file using the :out_dir option.

Mobius.Exports.to_mbf(out_dir: "/my/dir")

The generated file is returned as {:ok, filename}. The format of the file name is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-metrics.mbf.

See Mobius.Exports.parse_mbf/1 to parse a binary in MBF.

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metrics(metric_name, type, tags, opts \\ [])

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@spec metrics(
  [export_opt()] | keyword()
) :: [

Retrieve the raw metric data from the history store for a given metric.

Output will be a list of metric values, which will be in the format, eg: %{type: :last_value, value: 12, tags: %{interface: "eth0"}, timestamp: 1645107424}

If there are tags for the metric you can pass those in the third argument:

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", :last_value, %{some: :tag})

By default the filter will display the last 3 minutes of metric history.

However, you can pass the :from and :to options to look at a specific range of time.

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", :last_value, %{}, from: 1630619212, to: 1630619219)

You can also filter data over the last x amount of time. Where x is an integer. When there is no time_unit() provided the unit is assumed to be :second.

Retrieving data over the last 30 seconds:

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", :last_value, %{}, last: 30)

Retrieving data over the last 2 hours:

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", :last_value, %{}, last: {2, :hour})

Retrieving summary data can be performed by specifying the type: :summary - however, this returns value data in the form of a map, which cannot be plotted or csv exported. To reduce the output to a single metric value, use the form: {:summary, :summary_metric}

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", {:summary, :average}, %{}, last: {2, :hour})
@spec parse_mbf(binary()) ::
  {:ok, [Mobius.metric()]} | {:error, Mobius.Exports.MBFParseError.t()}

Parse the mobius binary format into a list of metrics

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plot(metric_name, type, tags \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

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Plot the metric name to the screen

This takes the same arguments as for filter_metrics, eg:

If there are tags for the metric you can pass those in the second argument:

Mobius.Exports.plot("", :last_value, %{some: :tag})

By default the plot will display the last 3 minutes of metric history.

However, you can pass the :from and :to options to look at a specific range of time.

Mobius.Exports.plot("", :last_value, %{}, from: 1630619212, to: 1630619219)

You can also plot data over the last x amount of time. Where x is an integer. When there is no time_unit() provided the unit is assumed to be :second.

Plotting data over the last 30 seconds:

Mobius.Export.plot("", :last_value, %{}, last: 30)

Plotting data over the last 2 hours:

Mobius.Export.plot("", :last_value, %{}, last: {2, :hour})

Retrieving summary data can be performed by specifying type of the form: {:summary, :summary_metric}

Mobius.Exports.metrics("", {:summary, :average}, %{}, last: {2, :hour})
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series(metric_name, type, tags, opts \\ [])

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@spec series(String.t(), export_metric_type(), map(), [export_opt()]) :: [integer()]

Generates a series that contains the value of the metric