MockeryExtras.Given (Mockery Extras v0.3.1) View Source

This module provides a pretty notation for a common case that's not gracefully handled by Mockery. Here is how you instruct Mockery to return the value "5" when Map.get/3 is called with %{} and :key:

use MockeryExtras.Given
given Map.get(%{}, :key), return: "5"

Note that the first argument to given looks like an ordinary function call.

It is also common to have a "don't care" argument, like this:

given Map.get(@any, :key), return: "5"

You may also ask that the function return a different value each time it's called:

given Map.get(@any, :key), stream: [1, 2, 3]

See given/2 for more.

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Arrange for a function to return a stubbed value or a stream of stubbed values.

This shows (as with IO.inspect) all the existing stubs.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

expand(module_alias, name_and_arity, arglist_spec, return_spec)

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The guts of given/2 for use in your own macros.

This function is convenient when you want to create a number of stubs at once. For example, suppose the RunningExample module has several single-argument getters. A stub macro can be more compact than several givens:

  original_params: input,
  format:          :phoenix,
  neighborhood:    %{een(b: Module) => %{id: 383}})

stub can be written like this:

defmacro stub(kws) do
  for {key, val} <- kws do
    Given.expand(RunningExample, [{key, 1}], [:running], return: val)

When calling expand(module_alias, name_and_arity, arglist_spec, return_spec), know that:

  • module_alias can be a simple atom, like RunningExample, which is an alias for EctoTestDSL.Run.RunningExample. More generally, it can be the :__aliases__ value from Macro.decompose_call/1.

  • name_and_arity is a function name and arity pair of the form [get: 3].

  • arglist_spec is a list of values like [5, @any].

  • return_spec should be either return: <value> or stream: <list>.

Link to this macro

given(funcall, return_description)

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Arrange for a function to return a stubbed value or a stream of stubbed values.

The common case takes what looks like a function call, plus a return value, and arranges that such a function call will return the given value whenever it's made at a "seam" marked with Mockery.mockable.

# Code:
... mockable(Schema).changeset(struct, params) ...

# Test: 
given Schema.changeset(%Schema{}, %{age: "3"}), return: %Changeset{...}

The function's arguments and return value can be constants, as shown above, or they can be calculations or variables. That can be helpful when the given appears in a test helper:

def helper(params, cast_value, something_else) do 
  given Schema.changeset(%Schema{}, params), return: cast_value
  assert ...

A function argument can be the special value @any (defined when the module is used). That's useful when the argument is irrelevant and you don't want to have to type it out:

  given Schema.changeset(@any, params), return: cast_value

@any expands to a function whose value is always true. More generally, any function used as an argument is not matched with equality. Instead, the call-time value is passed to the function, which should return a truthy value to indicate a match. So you can do this:

  given Module.f(5, &even/1), return: 8

When the stream: keyword is used, each new matching call returns the next value in the list argument:

 given Map.get(@any, @any), stream: [3, 4]

streamer(%{}, :key) # returns 3
streamer(%{}, :key) # returns 4
streamer(%{}, :key) # assertion failure


  • You can provide return values for many arglist values.

    given Module.f(5, &even/1), return: 8
    given Module.f(6, @any),    return: 9
  • If there's more than one match, the first is used.

  • If the same arglist is given twice, the second replaces the first. That lets you use ExUnit setup to establish defaults:

    def setup do  
      given RunningExample.params(:a_runnable), return: %{}
    test "..."
      given RunningExample.params(:a_runnable), return: %{"a" => "1"}
      assert Steps.runnable(:a_runnable) == %{a: 1}
  • If a function has a given value for one or more arglists, but none matched, an error is raised.

  • Despite the name, the value for :stream must be a List, not a Stream.

This shows (as with IO.inspect) all the existing stubs.

The format is not pretty.

  {{Given, Date, [add: 2]},
     {[~D[2001-02-03], 3], "return for 3",
      #Function<9.8563522/1 in MockeryExtras.Stubbery.make_matcher/1>}