ModelFox (modelfox v0.8.0) View Source

This is the main module in the modelfox package.

Link to this section Summary


This identifies the type of a feature contribution.

This is the input type of ModelFox.predict. A predict input is a map from atoms or strings to strings or floats. The keys should match the columns in the CSV file you trained your model with.

This is the return type of ModelFox.predict.


Add a prediction event to the queue. Remember to call ModelFox.flush_log_queue at a later point to send the event to the app.

Add a true value event to the queue. Remember to call ModelFox.flush_log_queue at a later point to send the event to the app.

Send all events in the queue to the app.

Load a model from a binary instead of a file. You should use this only if you already have a .modelfox loaded into memory. Otherwise, use ModelFox.load_model_from_path, which is faster because it memory maps the file.

Load a model from a .modelfox file at path.

Send a prediction event to the app. If you want to batch events, you can use ModelFox.enqueue_log_prediction instead.

Send a true value event to the app. If you want to batch events, you can use ModelFox.enqueue_log_true_value instead.

Retrieve the model's id.

Link to this section Types


event() :: PredictionEvent.t() | TrueValueEvent.t()
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feature_contribution_entry() ::
  {:identity, IdentityFeatureContribution.t()}
  | {:normalized, NormalizedFeatureContribution.t()}
  | {:one_hot_encoded, OneHotEncodedFeatureContribution.t()}
  | {:bag_of_words, BagOfWordsFeatureContribution.t()}
  | {:bag_of_words_cosine_similarity,
  | {:word_embedding, WordEmbeddingFeatureContribution.t()}

This identifies the type of a feature contribution.


predict_input() :: %{required(atom() | String.t()) => String.t() | float()}

This is the input type of ModelFox.predict. A predict input is a map from atoms or strings to strings or floats. The keys should match the columns in the CSV file you trained your model with.


predict_output() ::
  {:regression, RegressionPredictOutput.t()}
  | {:binary_classification, BinaryClassificationPredictOutput.t()}
  | {:multiclass_classification, MulticlassClassificationPredictOutput.t()}

This is the return type of ModelFox.predict.


true_value() :: String.t() | float()

Link to this section Functions

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enqueue_log_prediction(model, args)

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Add a prediction event to the queue. Remember to call ModelFox.flush_log_queue at a later point to send the event to the app.

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enqueue_log_true_value(model, args)

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Add a true value event to the queue. Remember to call ModelFox.flush_log_queue at a later point to send the event to the app.


flush_log_queue(ModelFox.Model.t()) :: ModelFox.Model.t()

Send all events in the queue to the app.

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load_model_from_binary(binary, options \\ nil)

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load_model_from_binary(String.t(), ModelFox.LoadModelOptions | nil) ::

Load a model from a binary instead of a file. You should use this only if you already have a .modelfox loaded into memory. Otherwise, use ModelFox.load_model_from_path, which is faster because it memory maps the file.

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load_model_from_path(path, options \\ nil)

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load_model_from_path(String.t(), ModelFox.LoadModelOptions | nil) ::

Load a model from a .modelfox file at path.

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log_prediction(model, args)

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log_prediction(ModelFox.Model.t(), ModelFox.LogPredictionArgs.t()) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Send a prediction event to the app. If you want to batch events, you can use ModelFox.enqueue_log_prediction instead.

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log_true_value(model, args)

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log_true_value(ModelFox.Model.t(), ModelFox.LogTrueValueArgs.t()) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Send a true value event to the app. If you want to batch events, you can use ModelFox.enqueue_log_true_value instead.


model_id(ModelFox.Model.t()) :: String.t()

Retrieve the model's id.

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predict(model, input, options \\ nil)

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Make a prediction!