modulr v0.4.4 Modulr.Resources.InboundPayment

Link to this section Summary


Deposit some mock money into an existing account

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function create(params, driver \\ Comms.HttpDriver)

Deposit some mock money into an existing account.


    type: "PI_FAST",
    description: "some desc",
    accountId: "A123B123", 
    amount: 20,
    payerDetail: %{
      name: "Joe Bloggs",
      address: %{
        addressLine1: "1 Here Street",
        country: "GB",
        postCode: "L1 1LB",
        postTown: "London"
      identifier: %{
        accountNumber: "12345678",
        sortCode: "000000",
        type: "SCAN"