Mogrify (mogrify v0.9.1) View Source

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Makes a copy of original image.

Creates or saves image.

Extends the image to the specified dimensions.

Converts the image to the image format you specify.

Sets the gravity of the image.

Returns the histogram of the image

Provides "identify" information about an image.

Opens image source.

Changes quality of the image to desired quality.

Resizes the image with provided geometry.

Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the aspect ratio of the original image.

Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio.

Saves modified image.

Provides detailed information about the image.

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add_option(image, option)

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Makes a copy of original image.

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create(image, opts \\ [])

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Creates or saves image.

Uses the convert command, which accepts both existing images, or image operators. If you have an existing image, prefer save/2.


  • :path - The output path of the image. Defaults to a temporary file.
  • :in_place - Overwrite the original image, ignoring :path option. Default false.
  • :buffer - Pass true to write to Collectable in Image.buffer instead of file.
  • :into - Used with :buffer to specify a Collectable. Defaults to "". See System.cmd/3.
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custom(image, action, options \\ nil)

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Extends the image to the specified dimensions.

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Converts the image to the image format you specify.

Sets the gravity of the image.

Returns the histogram of the image

Runs ImageMagick's histogram:info:- command.

Results are returned as a list of maps where each map includes keys red, blue, green, hex and count.


iex> open("test/fixtures/rbgw.png") |> histogram
  %{"alpha" => 255, "blue" => 255, "count" => 400, "green" => 0, "hex" => "#0000ff", "red" => 0},
  %{"alpha" => 255, "blue" => 0, "count" => 225, "green" => 255, "hex" => "#00ff00", "red" => 0},
  %{"alpha" => 255, "blue" => 0, "count" => 525, "green" => 0, "hex" => "#ff0000", "red" => 255},
  %{"alpha" => 255, "blue" => 255, "count" => 1350, "green" => 255, "hex" => "#ffffff", "red" => 255}

Provides "identify" information about an image.

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image_operator(image, operator)

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Opens image source.

Changes quality of the image to desired quality.

Resizes the image with provided geometry.

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resize_to_fill(image, params)

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Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the aspect ratio of the original image.

If necessary, crop the image in the larger dimension.

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resize_to_limit(image, params)

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Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio.

Will only resize the image if it is larger than the specified dimensions. The resulting image may be shorter or narrower than specified in the smaller dimension but will not be larger than the specified values.

Saves modified image.


  • :path - The output path of the image. Defaults to a temporary file.
  • :in_place - Overwrite the original image, ignoring :path option. Default false.
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Provides detailed information about the image.

This corresponds to the mogrify -verbose output which is similar to identify. It does NOT correspond to identify -verbose which prints out much more information.