View Source Mola (mola v1.0.0)

Compare various poker hand strengths

No validation is done on the "sanity" of any combination of cards. Card rank should be "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A" Suits should be "c", "d", "h", "s"

Cards should be provided as a string:

  • "Ac Kc Qc Jc Tc"
  • "AcKcQcJcTc"
  • "🃑🃞🃝🃛🃚" or a list of tuples: [{"A", "c"}, {"K", "c"}, {"Q", "c"}, {"J", "c"}, {"T", "c"}]

Hands which cannot be evaluated are silently stripped from the results

As long as the cards to hand selection rules are the same, the evaluators should work for less popular variants.

As such, wider boards (with 6 community cards), Pineapple-style (3 personal card hold 'em), 8-card stud, and Big-O-ish high (5 personal card Omaha) are all supported. Community card (board) games can even vary both.

Please note that compilation can be very slow while providing very fast hand evaluation.



Enumerates possible wins going word and returns a winner percentage for each supplied hand Supply community for board games and seen for any additional exposed cards

Compare 5 card high poker hands Selects best 5 cards for each player and then orders players Supply


Link to this function

equity(hands, community \\ [], seen \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Enumerates possible wins going word and returns a winner percentage for each supplied hand Supply community for board games and seen for any additional exposed cards

This does not enforce any rules on board or hand size.

Options are as per ranked_high_hands with an additional keyword list. Defaults to:

  • deal: [community: 0, personal: 0]

Note that dealing additional personal cards is not yet implemented.


iex> Mola.equity([{"BB", "Ah Kh"}, {"CO", "Jd Td"}], "Ad Kd Ts", [], deal: [community: 2])
[{"BB", 51.92}, {"CO", 47.17}, {"BB=CO", 0.91}]
Link to this function

ranked_high_hands(hands, community \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Compare 5 card high poker hands Selects best 5 cards for each player and then orders players Supply:

  • a list of {description, cards} tuples for comparison
  • a list of community cards, if applicable.
  • an options keyword list:
    • hand_selection: (:any, :omaha), defaults to :any
    • deck: (:standard, :short), defaults to :standard

Returns a sorted list of tuples: [{description, rank, :hand_descriptor}]


iex> Mola.ranked_high_hands([{"P1", "2c 3c 4c 5c 7s"}, {"P2", "2s 3s 4s 5s 6c"}, {"P3", "Ac As 7h 7c Kc"}])
[ {"P2", 1608, :six_high_straight}, {"P3", 2534, :aces_and_sevens}, {"P1", 7462, :seven_high} ]

iex> Mola.ranked_high_hands([{"P1", "2c 3c 4c 5c 7s 5d"}, {"P2", "2s 3s 4s 5s 6c Ks"}, {"P3", "Ac As 7h 7c Kc 7d"}])
[ {"P3", 251, :sevens_full_over_aces}, {"P2", 1144, :king_high_flush}, {"P1", 5519, :pair_of_fives} ]

iex> Mola.ranked_high_hands([{"BB", "🃔🃕"}, {"UTG", "AdAh"}, {"CO", "3d 3s"}], "Ac 2c 3h Td 3c")
[ {"BB", 10, :five_high_straight_flush}, {"CO", 143, :four_treys}, {"UTG", 177, :aces_full_over_treys} ]

iex> Mola.ranked_high_hands([{"BB", "4c 5d As Tc"}, {"UTG", "Ad Ah Th Ts"}, {"CO", "9c 3s Jc 8d"}], "Ac 2c Td Jd 3c", hand_selection: :omaha)
[ {"CO", 655, :ace_high_flush}, {"BB", 746, :ace_high_flush}, {"UTG", 1631, :three_aces} ]

iex> Mola.ranked_high_hands([{"BB", "7c 9c"}, {"UTG", "🃁🂱"}, {"CO", "8d 8s"}], "Ac 6c 8h Td 8c", deck: :short)
[ {"BB", 6, :nine_high_straight_flush}, {"CO", 55, :four_eights}, {"UTG", 204, :aces_full_over_eights} ]