Mongodb v0.4.2 Mongo

The main entry point for doing queries. All functions take a topology to run the query on.

Generic options

All operations take these options.

  • :timeout - The maximum time that the caller is allowed the to hold the connection’s state (ignored when using a run/transaction connection, default: 15_000)
  • :pool - The pooling behaviour module to use, this option is required unless the default DBConnection.Connection pool is used
  • :pool_timeout - The maximum time to wait for a reply when making a synchronous call to the pool (default: 5_000)
  • :queue - Whether to block waiting in an internal queue for the connection’s state (boolean, default: true)
  • :log - A function to log information about a call, either a 1-arity fun, {module, function, args} with DBConnection.LogEntry.t prepended to args or nil. See DBConnection.LogEntry (default: nil)
  • :database - the database to run the operation on

Read options

All read operations that returns a cursor take the following options for controlling the behaviour of the cursor.

  • :batch_size - Number of documents to fetch in each batch
  • :limit - Maximum number of documents to fetch with the cursor
  • :read_preference - specifies the rules for selecting a server to query

Write options

All write operations take the following options for controlling the write concern.

  • :w - The number of servers to replicate to before returning from write operators, a 0 value will return immediately, :majority will wait until the operation propagates to a majority of members in the replica set (Default: 1)
  • :j If true, the write operation will only return after it has been committed to journal - (Default: false)
  • :wtimeout - If the write concern is not satisfied in the specified interval, the operation returns an error



Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline

Issue a database command. If the command has parameters use a keyword list for the document because the “command key” has to be the first in the document

Similar to command/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Returns the count of documents that would match a find/4 query

Similar to count/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Remove all documents matching the filter from the collection

Similar to delete_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Remove a document matching the filter from the collection

Similar to delete_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a collection

Similar to distinct/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Selects documents in a collection and returns a cursor for the selected documents

Selects a single document in a collection and returns either a document or nil

Finds a document and updates it (using atomic modifiers)

Insert multiple documents into the collection

Similar to insert_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Insert a single document into the collection

Similar to insert_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Generates a new BSON.ObjectId

Replace a single document matching the filter with the new document

Similar to replace_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Start and link to a database connection process

Update all documents matching the filter

Similar to update_many/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error

Update a single document matching the filter

Similar to update_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error


conn :: DbConnection.Conn
result(t) :: :ok | {:ok, t} | {:error, Mongo.Error.t}
result!(t) :: nil | t | no_return


aggregate(topology_pid, coll, pipeline, opts \\ [])
aggregate(pid, collection, [BSON.document], Keyword.t) :: cursor

Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline.


  • :allow_disk_use - Enables writing to temporary files (Default: false)
  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds
  • :use_cursor - Use a cursor for a batched response (Default: true)
child_spec(opts, child_opts \\ [])
command(topology_pid, query, opts \\ [])

Issue a database command. If the command has parameters use a keyword list for the document because the “command key” has to be the first in the document.

command!(topology_pid, query, opts \\ [])

Similar to command/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

count(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Returns the count of documents that would match a find/4 query.


  • :limit - Maximum number of documents to fetch with the cursor
  • :skip - Number of documents to skip before returning the first
  • :hint - Hint which index to use for the query
count!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Similar to count/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

delete_many(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Remove all documents matching the filter from the collection.

delete_many!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Similar to delete_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

delete_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Remove a document matching the filter from the collection.

delete_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Similar to delete_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

distinct(topology_pid, coll, field, filter, opts \\ [])

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a collection.


  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds
distinct!(topology_pid, coll, field, filter, opts \\ [])

Similar to distinct/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

find(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Selects documents in a collection and returns a cursor for the selected documents.


  • :comment - Associates a comment to a query
  • :cursor_type - Set to :tailable or :tailable_await to return a tailable cursor
  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds
  • :modifiers - Meta-operators modifying the output or behavior of a query, see
  • :cursor_timeout - Set to false if cursor should not close after 10 minutes (Default: true)
  • :sort - Sorts the results of a query in ascending or descending order
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching document
  • :skip - The number of documents to skip before returning (Default: 0)
find_one(conn, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Selects a single document in a collection and returns either a document or nil.

If multiple documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first document according to the natural order which reflects the order of documents on the disk.


  • :comment - Associates a comment to a query
  • :cursor_type - Set to :tailable or :tailable_await to return a tailable cursor
  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds
  • :modifiers - Meta-operators modifying the output or behavior of a query, see
  • :cursor_timeout - Set to false if cursor should not close after 10 minutes (Default: true)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching document
  • :skip - The number of documents to skip before returning (Default: 0)
find_one_and_delete(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

Finds a document and deletes it.


  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and higher.
find_one_and_replace(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

Finds a document and replaces it.


  • :bypass_document_validation - Allows the write to opt-out of document level validation
  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :return_document - Returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original. Values are :before or :after. (default is :before)
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :upsert - Create a document if no document matches the query or updates the document.
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and higher.
find_one_and_update(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

Finds a document and updates it (using atomic modifiers).


  • :bypass_document_validation - Allows the write to opt-out of document level validation
  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :return_document - Returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original. Values are :before or :after. (default is :before)
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :upsert - Create a document if no document matches the query or updates the document.
insert_many(topology_pid, coll, docs, opts \\ [])

Insert multiple documents into the collection.

If any of the documents is missing the _id field or it is nil, an ObjectId will be generated, and insertd into the document. Ids of all documents will be returned in the result struct.


  • :continue_on_error - even if insert fails for one of the documents continue inserting the remaining ones (default: false)
insert_many!(topology_pid, coll, docs, opts \\ [])

Similar to insert_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Insert a single document into the collection.

If the document is missing the _id field or it is nil, an ObjectId will be generated, inserted into the document, and returned in the result struct.

Similar to insert_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

object_id :: BSON.ObjectId.t

Generates a new BSON.ObjectId.

replace_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

Replace a single document matching the filter with the new document.


  • :upsert - if set to true creates a new document when no document matches the filter (default: false)
replace_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

Similar to replace_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

select_server(topology_pid, type, opts \\ [])
start_link(Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, pid} |
  {:error, Mongo.Error.t | term}

Start and link to a database connection process.


  • :hostname - Server hostname
  • :port - Server port
  • :database - Database
  • :username - Username
  • :password - User password
  • :auth - Additionally users to authenticate (list of keyword lists with the keys :username and :password)
  • :auth_source - Database to authenticate against
  • :pool - The pool module to use, see DBConnection for pool dependent options, this option must be included with all requests contacting the pool if not DBConnection.Connection (default: DBConnection.Connection)
  • :idle - The idle strategy, :passive to avoid checkin when idle and :active to checkin when idle (default: :passive)
  • :idle_timeout - The idle timeout to ping the database (default: 1_000)
  • :backoff_min - The minimum backoff interval (default: 1_000)
  • :backoff_max - The maximum backoff interval (default: 30_000)
  • :backoff_type - The backoff strategy, :stop for no backoff and to stop, :exp for exponential, :rand for random and :rand_exp for random exponential (default: :rand_exp)
  • :after_connect - A function to run on connect using run/3, either a 1-arity fun, {module, function, args} with DBConnection.t prepended to args or nil (default: nil)
  • :ssl - Set to true if ssl should be used (default: false)
  • :ssl_opts - A list of ssl options, see the ssl docs
update_many(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

Update all documents matching the filter.

Uses MongoDB update operators to specify the updates. For more information please refer to the MongoDB documentation


  • :upsert - if set to true creates a new document when no document matches the filter (default: false)
update_many!(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

Similar to update_many/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

update_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

Update a single document matching the filter.

Uses MongoDB update operators to specify the updates. For more information please refer to the MongoDB documentation


  %{"filter_field": "filter_value"},
  %{"$set": %{"modified_field": "new_value"}})


  • :upsert - if set to true creates a new document when no document matches the filter (default: false)
update_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

Similar to update_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.