View Source Moon.Design.Dropdown.Select (Moon v2.89.1)
Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders as a button
- testid :string - Data-testid attribute for html tag
- id :string - Id attribute for html tag
- class :css_class - Additional CSS classes for the html tag
- prompt :string, default: "..." - Text to be shown when no value given
- value :string - Value to be shown
- badge :integer - Badge to show selected items count or smth else
- error :boolean, from_context: :error - Some additional styling will be set to indicate field is iinvalid
- is_open :boolean, from_context: :is_open - If the open indicator is active or not
- size :string, values!: ~w(sm md lg), from_context: :size - Site of the select
- disabled :boolean, from_context: :disabled - If the item should be marked as disabled
- default - Content of the button
- on_click, from_context: :on_trigger - Event that fired when trigger is clicked
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1