View Source Moon.Design.Dropdown (Moon v2.89.1)
Component for rendering dropdown info, mostly lists
id :string, required: true - The id of the live component (required by LiveView for stateful components).
value :any - Value(s) of the options to be marked as selected
is_open :boolean - Put true here if you want dropdown to be shown by default
class :css_class - Addictional classes to be added to a dropdown
testid :string - Data-testid attribute for HTML tag
autoclose :boolean, default: true - Dropdown autoclose on click away
disabled :boolean - Disabled state for the dropdown
hook :string - Attribute phx-hook. Used for dependant components
as_dropdown_on :string, values: ~w(sm md lg xl 2xl) - Experimental: makes BottomSheet behave as Modal on some screen widths, please reffer to
side_values :map, default: %{} - Additional values to be passed
- trigger, required: true - Slot for triggering the open/closing state
- default - Content to be showable
- backdrop - Backdrop of Dropdown as BottomSheet on small screens, see Dropdown.Backdrop
- on_trigger - Event fired when trigger is clicked
- on_close - Event fired to close Dropdown.BottomOptions
- on_change - Event fired when option is selected
Callback implementation for Phoenix.LiveComponent.handle_event/3
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Callback implementation for Phoenix.LiveComponent.handle_event/3
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