View Source Moon.Design.Form.Checkbox (Moon v2.87.4)
Checkbox to be rendered on form. Label is the root component. For rebdering outside the from please use Moon.Lego.Checkbox
- field :atom, from_context: {Surface.Components.Form.Field, :field} - Field name, surface-style
- form :form, from_context: {Surface.Components.Form, :form} - Form, surface-style
- label :string - Label to be shown to user
- disabled :boolean - If the field is disabled
- readonly :boolean - If the field is read-only
- id :string - Id to be given to the HTML tag
- testid :string - Data-testid attribute value
- class :css_class - Class to be given to the visible checkbox
- checkbox_label_class :css_class - Additional Tailwind classes for checkbox label
- checked_value :any, default: true - The value to be sent when the checkbox is checked. Defaults to "true"
- hidden_input :boolean, default: true - Controls if this function will generate a hidden input to submit the unchecked value or not, defaults to "true".
- unchecked_value :any, default: false - The value to be sent when the checkbox is unchecked, defaults to "false".
- is_multiple :boolean - Adding [] to the field name for support multiple checkboxes with the same name
- size :string, values!: ~w(sm md lg), default: "md" - Size of the label
- default - Inner content - put label here
- on_click - On_click event for the checkbox
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1