View Source Moon.Design.Search (Moon v2.89.1)
Textinput with search options. Renders as a Moon.Design.Dropdown. Is designed for usage outside of the forms
- options :list, required: true - ... format: [page: Module.Name, key: "Name"]
- disabled :boolean - Set disabled/non-disabled
- prompt :string - Some prompt to be shown on empty value
- id :string, required: true - Id of the component
- size :string, values!: ~w(sm md lg), default: "md" - Common moon size property
- class :css_class, from_context: :class - Additional classes for the <select> tag
- testid :string - Data-testid attribute value
- error :boolean, from_context: :error - Some additional styling will be set to indicate field is invalid
- is_open :boolean - Should dropdown be open
- filter :string - Filtering value for the options, appears in input
- attrs :map, default: %{} - Additional attributes for the option link
- no_results_label :string, default: "Search for" - Label to use in the beginning in case of no results
- default - Option for custom stylings - use it to show icons or anything else
- trigger - Trigger element for the dropdown, default is Dropdown.Select
- option - Slot used for rendering single option. option[:key] will be used if not given
- no_result - When no results are found - this slot will be rendered
- on_keyup - On key up event for the input - use it for filter options
- on_change - Event that fires when smth is chosen from the dropdown menu
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1
Callback implementation for Surface.Component.render/1