Mux v3.2.1 Mux.Data.Dimensions View Source

This module includes functions for retrieving available dimensions and their values in our system. These endpoints, for example, are used to construct the breakdown tables in the metrics UI. API Documentation

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Lists the values for a specific dimension along with a total count of related views.

Lists all the dimensions broken out into basic and advanced.

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get(client, value, params \\ [])

View Source

Lists the values for a specific dimension along with a total count of related views.

Returns {:ok, dimensions, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, dimensions, _env} = Mux.Data.Dimensions.get(client, "browser")
iex> dimensions
[%{"total_count" => 2, "value" => "Safari"}, %{"total_count" => 1, "value" => "Chrome"}]

Lists all the dimensions broken out into basic and advanced.

Returns {:ok, dimensions, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, dimensions, _env} = Mux.Data.Dimensions.list(client)
iex> dimensions
%{"advanced" => ["asn", "browser_version", "cdn", "experiment_name", "operating_system_version", "player_name", "player_version", "preroll_ad_asset_hostname", "preroll_ad_tag_hostname", "preroll_played", "preroll_requested", "sub_property_id", "video_series"], "basic" => ["browser", "country", "operating_system", "player_software", "player_software_version", "source_hostname", "source_type", "stream_type", "video_title"]}