Mux v3.2.1 Mux.Data.RealTime View Source

This module has been deprecated in favor of Data.Monitoring.

This module provides functions that interact with the real-time endpoints

Note, these API documentation links may break periodically as we update documentation titles.

Link to this section Summary


This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.breakdown.

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.dimensions.

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.histogram_timeseries.

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.metrics.

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.timeseries.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

breakdown(client, metric, params \\ [])

View Source

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.breakdown.

Get breakdown information for a specific dimension and metric along with the number of concurrent viewers and negative impact score.

Returns {:ok, breakdown, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, breakdown, _env} = Mux.Data.RealTime.breakdown(client, "playback-failure-percentage", dimension: "country", timestamp: 1_547_853_000, filters: ["operating_system:windows"])
iex> breakdown
[%{"concurrent_viewers" => 1, "metric_value" => 0, "negative_impact" => 3, "value" => "AR"}]

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.dimensions.

List of available real-time dimensions

Returns {:ok, dimensions, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, dimensions, _env} = Mux.Data.RealTime.dimensions(client)
iex> dimensions
[%{"display_name" => "ASN", "name" => "asn"}, %{"display_name" => "CDN", "name" => "cdn"}, %{"display_name" => "Country", "name" => "country"}, %{"display_name" => "Operating system", "name" => "operating_system"}, %{"display_name" => "Player name", "name" => "player_name"}, %{"display_name" => "Region / State", "name" => "region"}, %{"display_name" => "Stream type", "name" => "stream_type"}, %{"display_name" => "Sub property ID", "name" => "sub_property_id"}, %{"display_name" => "Video series", "name" => "video_series"}, %{"display_name" => "Video title", "name" => "video_title"}]
Link to this function

histogram_timeseries(client, metric, params \\ [])

View Source

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.histogram_timeseries.

List histogram timeseries information for a specific metric

Returns {:ok, histogram_timeseries, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, histogram_timeseries, _env} = Mux.Data.RealTime.histogram_timeseries(client, "video-startup-time", filters: ["operating_system:windows", "country:US"])
iex> histogram_timeseries
[%{"average" => 1446.328947368421, "bucket_values" => [%{"count" => 19, "percentage" => 0.25}, %{"count" => 21, "percentage" => 0.27631578947368424}, %{"count" => 15, "percentage" => 0.19736842105263158}, %{"count" => 11, "percentage" => 0.14473684210526316}, %{"count" => 4, "percentage" => 0.05263157894736842}, %{"count" => 4, "percentage" => 0.05263157894736842}, %{"count" => 2, "percentage" => 0.02631578947368421}], "max_percentage" => 0.27631578947368424, "median" => 425, "p95" => 6809, "sum" => 76, "timestamp" => "2020-02-25T00:52:00Z"}]

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.metrics.

List of available real-time metrics

Returns {:ok, metrics, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, metrics, _env} = Mux.Data.RealTime.metrics(client)
iex> metrics
[%{"display_name" => "Current Concurrent Viewers (CCV)", "name" => "current-concurrent-viewers"}, %{"display_name" => "Current Rebuffering Percentage", "name" => "current-rebuffering-percentage"}, %{"display_name" => "Exits Before Video Start", "name" => "exits-before-video-start"}, %{"display_name" => "Playback Failure Percentage", "name" => "playback-failure-percentage"}, %{"display_name" => "Video Startup Time", "name" => "video-startup-time"}]
Link to this function

timeseries(client, metric, params \\ [])

View Source

This method has been deprecated in favor of Mux.Data.Monitoring.timeseries.

List timeseries information for a specific metric along with the number of concurrent viewers.

Returns {:ok, timeseries, raw_env}.


iex> client = Mux.client("my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, timeseries, _env} = Mux.Data.RealTime.timeseries(client, "playback-failure-percentage", filters: ["operating_system:windows", "country:US"])
iex> timeseries
[%{"concurrent_viewers" => 477, "date" => "2020-02-25T00:51:45Z", "value" => 0.0597809346162238}, %{"concurrent_viewers" => 487, "date" => "2020-02-25T00:51:50Z", "value" => 0.059590005296620834}]