Included Mutators

Muzak includes only three mutators - Constants.Numbers, Constants.Strings and Functions.Rename. While this is indeed rather limited, it should give some examples of the benefits of mutation testing.


Mutates any Integer or Float literals.

Original File

def do_math(num), do: num + 2 - 0.38

Generated mutations

def do_math(num), do: num + 327_237_729 - 0.38
def do_math(num), do: num + 2 - 392_763.216_279


Mutates any string literals.

Original File

def append(str), do: str <> " added on " <> " a string."

Generated mutations

def append(str), do: str <> "random_string" <> " a string."
def append(str), do: str <> " added on " <> "random_string"


Renames any function or macro definition.

Original File

def add_one(int), do: do_add_one(int)

defp do_add_one(int), do: int + 1

Generated mutations

def random_function_name(int), do: do_add_one(int)

defp do_add_one(int), do: int + 1
def add_one(int), do: do_add_one(int)

defp random_function_name(int), do: int + 1