Muzak is a basic mutation testing library for Elixir. It is the limited, open source version of Muzak Pro. If you're not familiar with mutation testing, you can learn more about it in the guide here.
Getting started
To get started with mutation testing, first add muzak
as a dependency in your mix.exs
file and
set the preferred_cli_env
for muzak
to test
defmodule MyApp.Mixfile do
def project do
# ...
preferred_cli_env: [muzak: :test]
# ...
defp deps do
# ...
{:muzak, "~> 1.0", only: :test}
You're now ready to get started!
$ mix deps.get
$ mix muzak
Muzak will then randomly generate up to 1000 mutations in your application and run your test suite against each of them. If your application contains more than 1000 possible mutations, then you may see different results for subsequent runs.
Configuration in Muzak is limited, but you can do quite a bit with it. If you require additional configuration options, Muzak Pro will likely meet all those needs.
CLI Flags
There are several CLI flags that can be passed to modify the behavior of Muzak as needed. CLI
flags will always override any configuration set in .muzak.exs
: The number of mutations to generate. Example:mix muzak --mutations 30
: The seed used for randomization. Example:mix muzak --seed 976276
: The profile in.muzak.exs
to use. Example:mix muzak --profile ci
: The minimum percentage (0.0-100/0) of mutations that must be found for a run to be considered "passing" and to exit with a 0 status code. Example:mix muzak --min-coverage 85.5
: Restrict mutation generation to a single file or a single line. Examples:mix muzak --only path/to/file.ex
ormix muzak --only path/to/file.ex:12
Configuration File
Most of the time you'll want to save your configuration in a .muzak.exs
file. In this file,
you can create profiles with different sets of configuration for different uses (such as when
running in CI or locally by a developer). Each of these profiles can contain the following keys:
: The minimum percentage (0.0-100.0) of mutations that must be found for a run to be considered "passing" and to exit with a 0 status code. Defaults to0.0
: An arity 1 function used to filter files for mutation generation. This function must return a list of tuples, where the first element in the tuple is the path to the file, and the second element isnil
or a list of integers representing line numbers. The argument passed to the function is a list of the files in your application as set in theelixirc_paths
key in your Mix project.- `{"path/to/file.ex", nil}` will make all possible mutations on all lines in the file. - `{"path/to/file.ex", [1, 2, 3]}` will make all possible mutations but only on lines 1, 2 and 3 in the file.
A .muzak.exs
file might look something like this:
default: [
mutation_filter: fn all_project_files ->
|> Enum.reject(&String.starts_with?(&1, "test/"))
|> Enum.filter(&String.ends_with?(&1, ".ex"))
|>{&1, nil})
ci: [
mutation_filter: fn all_project_files ->
|> Enum.reject(&String.starts_with?(&1, "test/"))
|> Enum.filter(&String.ends_with?(&1, ".ex"))
|>{&1, nil})
min_coverage: 85.5
Muzak Pro
Muzak Pro is the full-featured, paid version of Muzak. It includes:
- No limit on the number of generated mutations
- Over a dozen additional mutators
- Far more configuration options
- Parallel execution by spawning multiple BEAM nodes (experimental)
- "Analysis Mode" to identify potentially low-value or duplicate tests in your test suite (coming soon)
- Enhanced reporting, including HTML reports (coming soon)
Muzak Pro costs $29/month, and is available now.