Module cursor

Client side DB cursor represents record set of query.

Copyright © 2010-2014 Alexei Krasnopolski

Version: 1.2.8

Introduced in: 2014-03-08

Authors: Alexei Krasnopolski ( [web site:].


Client side DB cursor represents record set of query. Cursor allows easy navigate througth record set and retrieve field values by name or index. Cursor owns to process created it and can not access concurrently.

Function Index

new/1Creates new cursor from result record set obtained after db query.
new/2Creates new cursor with regestered name from result record set obtained after db query.
size/1Get size (number of rows) of the cursor.
next/1Move cursor pointer to the next position.
skip/2Skip I positions and set cursor pointer to the position.
back/1Move cursor pointer back to the previous position.
set/2Set I as a new positions of the cursor pointer.
reset/1Reset cursor pointer to the beginning position.
get/2Get value of field with Name.
foreach/2Returns list of values of Name field from all rows of record set.

Function Details


new(DB_result_set::tuple()) -> pid()

Creates new cursor from result record set obtained after db query.


new(Name::atom(), DB_result_set::tuple()) -> pid()

Creates new cursor with regestered name from result record set obtained after db query.


size(CursorId) -> integer()

Get size (number of rows) of the cursor.


next(CursorId) -> boolean()

Move cursor pointer to the next position. Returns false if pointer already on the end of cursor.


skip(CursorId, I::integer()) -> integer()

Skip I positions and set cursor pointer to the position. Returns number actualy skipped positions.


back(CursorId) -> boolean()

Move cursor pointer back to the previous position. Returns false if pointer already on the beginning of cursor.


set(CursorId, I::integer()) -> boolean()

Set I as a new positions of the cursor pointer. Returns false if I is out of the range.


reset(CursorId) -> boolean()

Reset cursor pointer to the beginning position.


get(CursorId, Name) -> Result

Get value of field with Name. Name can be string name of field or index in row list.


foreach(CursorId, Name) -> Result

Returns list of values of Name field from all rows of record set. Name can be string name of field or index in row list.

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