Module packet_parser_binary

This module contains functions these are responsible for parsing binary rows that was previously exctructed from response packages.

Copyright © 2010-2014 Alexei Krasnopolski

Version: 1.2.8

Introduced in: 2010-11-18

Authors: Alexei Krasnopolski ( [web site:].


This module contains functions these are responsible for parsing binary rows that was previously exctructed from response packages. The module works only with binary rows these usualy come in to a client during a statement execution.

Function Index

parse_binary_row/2function converts binary representation of a packet to list of field values.

Function Details


parse_binary_row(Binary::binary(), Metadata::#metadata{}) -> [integer() | float() | string() | binary() | #mysql_time{} | #mysql_decimal{}] | #mysql_error{}

function converts binary representation of a packet to list of field values. First it extracts 'Null bit map' structure from binary. The map keeps information about what fields of the response is NULL (if a field is NULL the one is not present in the next part of the binary packet).

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