Module packet_response

Function handle_response of the module splits the binary data stream from socket to MySQL packets, separates metadata packets and row data packets and forms a response tuple.

Copyright © 2010-2014 Alexei Krasnopolski

Version: 1.2.8

Introduced in: 2010-10-08

Authors: Alexei Krasnopolski ( [web site:].


Function handle_response of the module splits the binary data stream from socket to MySQL packets, separates metadata packets and row data packets and forms a response tuple.

Function Index

handle_response/3Waits for response from SQL server, retrieves packets from socket and parses its to list.

Function Details


handle_response(Connection::#connection{}, Initial_metadata::#metadata{}, Stmt::atom()) -> {Metadata::#metadata{}, Result} | #mysql_error{}

Waits for response from SQL server, retrieves packets from socket and parses its to list


handle_response(Connection::#connection{}, Stmt::atom()) -> {Metadata::#metadata{}, Result} | #mysql_error{}

See also: handle_response/3.

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