nadia v0.7.0 Nadia.API

Provides basic functionalities for Telegram Bot API.

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build_file_url(binary()) :: binary()

Use this function to build file url.

iex> Nadia.API.build_file_url("document/file_10") " #{Nadia.Config.token()}/document/file_10"

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request(method, options \\ [], file_field \\ nil)
request(binary(), [{atom(), any()}], atom()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Nadia.Model.Error.t()} | {:ok, any()}

Generic method to call Telegram Bot API.


  • method - name of API method
  • options - orddict of options
  • file_field - specify the key of file_field in options when sending files
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request?(method, options \\ [], file_field \\ nil)