Nebulex v2.0.0-rc.0 Nebulex.Cache behaviour View Source

Cache's main interface; defines the cache abstraction layer which is highly inspired by Ecto.

A Cache maps to an underlying implementation, controlled by the adapter. For example, Nebulex ships with a default adapter that implements a local generational cache.

When used, the Cache expects the :otp_app and :adapter as options. The :otp_app should point to an OTP application that has the Cache configuration. For example, the Cache:

defmodule MyCache do
  use Nebulex.Cache,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    adapter: Nebulex.Adapters.Local

Could be configured with:

config :my_app, MyCache,
  stats: true,
  backend: :shards,
  gc_interval: 86_400_000, #=> 1 day
  max_size: 200_000,
  gc_cleanup_min_timeout: 10_000,
  gc_cleanup_max_timeout: 900_000,
  partitions: System.schedulers_online()

Most of the configuration that goes into the config is specific to the adapter. For this particular example, you can check Nebulex.Adapters.Local for more information. In spite of this, the following configuration values are shared across all adapters:

  • :name- The name of the Cache supervisor process (Optional). If it is not passed within the options, the name of the cache module will be used as the name by default.

  • :stats - The stats are supposed to be handled by the adapters, hence, it is recommended to check the adapters' documentation for supported stats, config, and so on. Nevertheless, Nebulex built-in adapters provide support for stats by setting the :stats option to true (Defaults to false). You can get the stats info by calling at any time. For more information, See Nebulex.Cache.Stats.

NOTE: It is highly recommendable to check the adapters' documentation.

Link to this section Summary


Cache entries

Cache entry key

Cache action options


Cache entry value


Returns the adapter tied to the cache.

Fetches all entries from cache matching the given query.

Returns the adapter configuration stored in the :otp_app environment.

Deletes the entry in Cache for a specific key.

Dumps a cache to the given file path.

Returns true if the given key exists and the new ttl was successfully updated, otherwise, false is returned.

Flushes the cache and returns the number of evicted keys.

Gets a value from Cache where the key matches the given key.

Similar to get/2 but raises KeyError if key is not found.

Returns a map with all the key-value pairs in the Cache where the key is in keys.

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

Returns the atom name or pid of the current cache (based on Ecto dynamic repo).

Returns whether the given key exists in the Cache.

Returns true if the current process is inside a transaction.

Increments or decrements the counter mapped to the given key.

A callback executed when the cache starts or when configuration is read.

Loads a dumped cache from the given path.

Puts the given value under key into the Cache.

Puts the given entries (key/value pairs) into the Cache. It replaces existing values with new values (just as regular put).

Sets the dynamic cache to be used in further commands (based on Ecto dynamic repo).

Puts the given value under key into the cache, only if it does not already exist.

Similar to put_new/3 but raises Nebulex.KeyAlreadyExistsError if the key already exists.

Puts the given entries (key/value pairs) into the cache. It will not perform any operation at all even if just a single key already exists.

Alters the entry stored under key, but only if the entry already exists into the Cache.

Similar to replace/3 but raises KeyError if key is not found.

Returns the total number of cached entries.

Starts a supervision and return {:ok, pid} or just :ok if nothing needs to be done.

Shuts down the cache.

Similar to all/2 but returns a lazy enumerable that emits all entries from the cache matching the given query.

Returns and removes the value associated with key in the Cache. If the key does not exist, then nil is returned.

Similar to take/2 but raises KeyError if key is not found.

Returns true if the given key exists and the last access time was successfully updated, otherwise, false is returned.

Runs the given function inside a transaction.

Returns the remaining time-to-live for the given key. If the key does not exist, then nil is returned.

Updates the cached key with the given function.

Link to this section Types


entries() :: map() | [{key(), value()}]

Cache entries


key() :: any()

Cache entry key


opts() :: Keyword.t()

Cache action options


t() :: module()


value() :: any()

Cache entry value

Link to this section Callbacks


__adapter__() :: Nebulex.Adapter.t()

Returns the adapter tied to the cache.

Link to this callback

all(query, opts)

View Source (optional)


all(query :: term(), opts()) :: [any()]

Fetches all entries from cache matching the given query.

If the query is nil, it fetches all entries from cache; this is common for all adapters. However, the query could be any other value, which depends entirely on the adapter's implementation; see the "Query" section below.

May raise Nebulex.QueryError if query validation fails.


  • :return - Tells the query what to return from the matched entries. The possible values are: :key, :value, and :entry ({key, value} pairs). Defaults to :key. This option is supported by the build-in adapters, but it is recommended to check the adapter's documentation to confirm its compatibility with this option.

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


# set some entries
iex> :ok = Enum.each(1..5, &MyCache.put(&1, &1 * 2))

# fetch all (with default params)
iex> MyCache.all()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# fetch all entries and return values
iex> MyCache.all(nil, return: :value)
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

# fetch all entries that match with the given query
# assuming we are using Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter
iex> query = [{{:_, :"$1", :"$2", :_, :_}, [{:>, :"$2", 5}], [:"$1"]}]
iex> MyCache.all(query)
[3, 4, 5]


Query spec is defined by the adapter, hence, it is recommended to review adapters documentation. For instance, the built-in Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter supports nil | :unexpired | :expired | :ets.match_spec() as query value.


# additional built-in queries for Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter
iex> unexpired = MyCache.all(:unexpired)
iex> expired = MyCache.all(:expired)

# if we are using Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter, the stored entry tuple
# {:entry, key, value, version, expire_at}, then the match spec could be
# something like:
iex> spec = [{{:entry, :"$1", :"$2", :_, :_}, [{:>, :"$2", 5}], [{{:"$1", :"$2"}}]}]
iex> MyCache.all(spec)
[{3, 6}, {4, 8}, {5, 10}]

# the same previous query but using Ex2ms
iex> import Ex2ms

iex> spec =
...>   fun do
...>     {_. key, value, _, _} when value > 5 -> {key, value}
...>   end

iex> MyCache.all(spec)
[{3, 6}, {4, 8}, {5, 10}]


config() :: Keyword.t()

Returns the adapter configuration stored in the :otp_app environment.

If the c:init/2 callback is implemented in the cache, it will be invoked.


delete(key(), opts()) :: :ok

Deletes the entry in Cache for a specific key.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1)

iex> MyCache.delete(:a)

iex> MyCache.get(:a)

iex> MyCache.delete(:non_existent_key)
Link to this callback

dump(path, opts)

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dump(path :: Path.t(), opts()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Dumps a cache to the given file path.

Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


This operation relies entirely on the adapter implementation, which means the options depend on each of them. For that reason, it is recommended to review the documentation of the adapter to be used. The built-in adapters inherit the default implementation from Nebulex.Adapter.Persistence, hence, review the available options there.


# set some entries
iex> entries = for x <- 1..10, into: %{}, do: {x, x}
iex> MyCache.set_many(entries)

# dump cache to a file
iex> MyCache.dump("my_cache")


expire(key(), ttl :: timeout()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the given key exists and the new ttl was successfully updated, otherwise, false is returned.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1)

iex> MyCache.expire(:a, 5)

iex> MyCache.expire(:a, :infinity)

iex> MyCache.ttl(:b, 5)


flush() :: integer()

Flushes the cache and returns the number of evicted keys.


iex> :ok = Enum.each(1..5, &MyCache.put(&1, &1))
iex> MyCache.flush()

iex> MyCache.size()


get(key(), opts()) :: value()

Gets a value from Cache where the key matches the given key.

Returns nil if no result was found.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar")

iex>  MyCache.get("foo")

iex> MyCache.get(:non_existent_key)


get!(key(), opts()) :: value()

Similar to get/2 but raises KeyError if key is not found.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.




get_all(keys :: [key()], opts()) :: map()

Returns a map with all the key-value pairs in the Cache where the key is in keys.

If keys contains keys that are not in the Cache, they're simply ignored.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put_all([a: 1, c: 3])

iex> MyCache.get_all([:a, :b, :c])
%{a: 1, c: 3}
Link to this callback

get_and_update(key, function, opts)

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get_and_update(key(), (value() -> {get, update} | :pop), opts()) ::
  {get, update}
when get: value(), update: value()

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

fun is called with the current cached value under key (or nil if key hasn't been cached) and must return a two-element tuple: the "get" value (the retrieved value, which can be operated on before being returned) and the new value to be stored under key. fun may also return :pop, which means the current value shall be removed from Cache and returned.

The returned value is a tuple with the "get" value returned by fun and the new updated value under key.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


# update nonexistent key
iex> MyCache.get_and_update(:a, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value, "value!"}
...> end)
{nil, "value!"}

# update existing key
iex> MyCache.get_and_update(:a, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value, "new value!"}
...> end)
{"value!", "new value!"}

# pop/remove value if exist
iex> MyCache.get_and_update(:a, fn _ -> :pop end)
{"new value!", nil}

# pop/remove nonexistent key
iex> MyCache.get_and_update(:b, fn _ -> :pop end)
{nil, nil}


get_dynamic_cache() :: atom() | pid()

Returns the atom name or pid of the current cache (based on Ecto dynamic repo).

See also put_dynamic_cache/1.


has_key?(key()) :: boolean()

Returns whether the given key exists in the Cache.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1)

iex> MyCache.has_key?(:a)

iex> MyCache.has_key?(:b)
Link to this callback


View Source (optional)


in_transaction?() :: boolean()

Returns true if the current process is inside a transaction.


#=> false

MyCache.transaction(fn ->
  MyCache.in_transaction? #=> true


incr(key(), incr :: integer(), opts()) :: integer()

Increments or decrements the counter mapped to the given key.

If incr >= 0 (positive value) then the current value is incremented by that amount, otherwise, it means the X is a negative value so the current value is decremented by the same amount.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.incr(:a)

iex> MyCache.incr(:a, 2)

iex> MyCache.incr(:a, -1)


init(config :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Keyword.t()} | :ignore

A callback executed when the cache starts or when configuration is read.

Link to this callback

load(path, opts)

View Source (optional)


load(path :: Path.t(), opts()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Loads a dumped cache from the given path.

Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


Similar to dump/2, this operation relies entirely on the adapter implementation, therefore, it is recommended to review the documentation of the adapter to be used. Similarly, the built-in adapters inherit the default implementation from Nebulex.Adapter.Persistence, hence, review the available options there.


# set some entries
iex> entries = for x <- 1..10, into: %{}, do: {x, x}
iex> MyCache.set_many(entries)

# dump cache to a file
iex> MyCache.dump("my_cache")

# load the cache from a file
iex> MyCache.load("my_cache")


put(key(), value(), opts()) :: :ok

Puts the given value under key into the Cache.

If key already holds an entry, it is overwritten. Any previous time to live associated with the key is discarded on successful put operation.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> import Nebulex.Time

iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar")

# if the value is nil, then it is not stored (operation is skipped)
iex> MyCache.put("foo", nil)

# put key with time-to-live
iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar", ttl: 10_000)

# using Nebulex.Time
iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar", ttl: expiry_time(10))
iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar", ttl: expiry_time(10, :minute))
iex> MyCache.put("foo", "bar", ttl: expiry_time(1, :hour))


put_all(entries(), opts()) :: :ok

Puts the given entries (key/value pairs) into the Cache. It replaces existing values with new values (just as regular put).


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity). It applies to all given entries.

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put_all(apples: 3, bananas: 1)

iex> MyCache.put_all(%{apples: 2, oranges: 1}, ttl: 10_000)

Ideally, this operation should be atomic, so all given keys are put at once. But it depends purely on the adapter's implementation and the backend used internally by the adapter. Hence, it is recommended to review the adapter's documentation.


put_dynamic_cache(atom() | pid()) :: atom() | pid()

Sets the dynamic cache to be used in further commands (based on Ecto dynamic repo).

There might be cases where we want to have different cache instances but accessing them through the same cache module. By default, when you call MyApp.Cache.start_link/1, it will start a cache with the name MyApp.Cache. But it is also possible to start multiple caches by using a different name for each of them:

MyApp.Cache.start_link(name: :cache1)
MyApp.Cache.start_link(name: :cache2, backend: :shards)

However, once the cache is started, it is not possible to interact directly with it, since all operations through MyApp.Cache are sent by default to the cache named MyApp.Cache. But you can change the default cache at compile-time:

use Nebulex.Cache, default_dynamic_cache: :cache_name

Or anytime at runtime by calling put_dynamic_cache/1:


From this moment on, all future commands performed by the current process will run on :another_cache_name.

Link to this callback

put_new(key, value, opts)

View Source


put_new(key(), value(), opts()) :: boolean()

Puts the given value under key into the cache, only if it does not already exist.

Returns true if a value was set, otherwise, false is returned.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put_new("foo", "bar")

iex> MyCache.put_new("foo", "bar")

# if the value is nil, it is not stored (operation is skipped)
iex> MyCache.put_new("other", nil)
Link to this callback

put_new!(key, value, opts)

View Source


put_new!(key(), value(), opts()) :: true

Similar to put_new/3 but raises Nebulex.KeyAlreadyExistsError if the key already exists.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


MyCache.put_new!("foo", "bar")
Link to this callback

put_new_all(entries, opts)

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put_new_all(entries(), opts()) :: boolean()

Puts the given entries (key/value pairs) into the cache. It will not perform any operation at all even if just a single key already exists.

Returns true if all entries were successfully set. It returns false if no key was set (at least one key already existed).


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity). It applies to all given entries.

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put_new_all(apples: 3, bananas: 1)

iex> MyCache.put_new_all(%{apples: 3, oranges: 1}, ttl: 10_000)

Ideally, this operation should be atomic, so all given keys are put at once. But it depends purely on the adapter's implementation and the backend used internally by the adapter. Hence, it is recommended to review the adapter's documentation.

Link to this callback

replace(key, value, opts)

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replace(key(), value(), opts()) :: boolean()

Alters the entry stored under key, but only if the entry already exists into the Cache.

Returns true if a value was set, otherwise, false is returned.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.replace("foo", "bar")

iex> MyCache.put_new("foo", "bar")

iex> MyCache.replace("foo", "bar2")

# update current value and TTL
iex> MyCache.replace("foo", "bar3", ttl: 10_000)
Link to this callback

replace!(key, value, opts)

View Source


replace!(key(), value(), opts()) :: true

Similar to replace/3 but raises KeyError if key is not found.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


MyCache.replace!("foo", "bar")


size() :: integer()

Returns the total number of cached entries.


iex> :ok = Enum.each(1..10, &MyCache.put(&1, &1))
iex> MyCache.size()

iex> :ok = Enum.each(1..5, &MyCache.delete(&1))
iex> MyCache.size()


start_link(opts()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} | {:error, {:already_started, pid()}} | {:error, term()}

Starts a supervision and return {:ok, pid} or just :ok if nothing needs to be done.

Returns {:error, {:already_started, pid}} if the cache is already started or {:error, term} in case anything else goes wrong.


See the configuration in the moduledoc for options shared between adapters, for adapter-specific configuration see the adapter's documentation.


stop(timeout()) :: :ok

Shuts down the cache.

Link to this callback

stream(query, opts)

View Source (optional)


stream(query :: term(), opts()) :: Enum.t()

Similar to all/2 but returns a lazy enumerable that emits all entries from the cache matching the given query.

May raise Nebulex.QueryError if query validation fails.


  • :return - Tells the query what to return from the matched entries. The possible values are: :key, :value, and :entry ({key, value} pairs). Defaults to :key. This option is supported by the build-in adapters, but it is recommended to check the adapter's documentation to confirm its compatibility with this option.

  • :page_size - Positive integer (>= 1) that defines the page size for the stream (defaults to 10).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


# set some entries
iex> :ok = Enum.each(1..5, &MyCache.put(&1, &1 * 2))

# stream all (with default params)
iex> |> Enum.to_list()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# stream all entries and return values
iex>, return: :value, page_size: 3) |> Enum.to_list()
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

# additional built-in queries for Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter
unexpired_stream =
expired_stream =

# if we are using Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter, the stored entry tuple
# {:entry, key, value, version, expire_at}, then the match spec could be
# something like:
iex> spec = [{{:entry, :"$1", :"$2", :_, :_}, [{:>, :"$2", 5}], [{{:"$1", :"$2"}}]}]
iex>, page_size: 3) |> Enum.to_list()
[{3, 6}, {4, 8}, {5, 10}]

# the same previous query but using Ex2ms
iex> import Ex2ms

iex> spec =
...>   fun do
...>     {_, key, value, _, _} when value > 5 -> {key, value}
...>   end

iex> spec |> 3) |> Enum.to_list()
[{3, 6}, {4, 8}, {5, 10}]


take(key(), opts()) :: value()

Returns and removes the value associated with key in the Cache. If the key does not exist, then nil is returned.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1)

iex> MyCache.take(:a)

iex> MyCache.take(:a)


take!(key(), opts()) :: value()

Similar to take/2 but raises KeyError if key is not found.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.




touch(key()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the given key exists and the last access time was successfully updated, otherwise, false is returned.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1)

iex> MyCache.touch(:a)

iex> MyCache.ttl(:b)
Link to this callback

transaction(opts, function)

View Source (optional)


transaction(opts(), function :: (... -> any())) :: term()

Runs the given function inside a transaction.

A successful transaction returns the value returned by the function.


See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


MyCache.transaction fn ->
  alice = MyCache.get(:alice)
  bob = MyCache.get(:bob)
  MyCache.put(:alice, %{alice | balance: alice.balance + 100})
  MyCache.put(:bob, %{bob | balance: bob.balance + 100})

# locking only the involved key (recommended):
MyCache.transaction [keys: [:alice, :bob]], fn ->
  alice = MyCache.get(:alice)
  bob = MyCache.get(:bob)
  MyCache.put(:alice, %{alice | balance: alice.balance + 100})
  MyCache.put(:bob, %{bob | balance: bob.balance + 100})


ttl(key()) :: timeout() | nil

Returns the remaining time-to-live for the given key. If the key does not exist, then nil is returned.


iex> MyCache.put(:a, 1, ttl: 5000)

iex> MyCache.put(:b, 2)

iex> MyCache.ttl(:a)

iex> MyCache.ttl(:b)

iex> MyCache.ttl(:c)
Link to this callback

update(key, initial, function, opts)

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update(key(), initial :: value(), (value() -> value()), opts()) :: value()

Updates the cached key with the given function.

If key is present in Cache with value value, fun is invoked with argument value and its result is used as the new value of key.

If key is not present in Cache, initial is inserted as the value of key. The initial value will not be passed through the update function.


  • :ttl - Time To Live (TTL) or expiration time in milliseconds for a key (default: :infinity).

See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation for more options.


iex> MyCache.update(:a, 1, &(&1 * 2))

iex> MyCache.update(:a, 1, &(&1 * 2))