Nebulex.Adapter.Queryable behaviour (Nebulex v2.0.0) View Source

Specifies the query API required from adapters.

Query values

There are two types of query values. The ones shared and implemented by all adapters and the ones that are adapter specific.

Common queries

The following query values are shared and/or supported for all adapters:

  • nil - Matches all cached entries.

Adapter-specific queries

The query value depends entirely on the adapter implementation; it could any term. Therefore, it is highly recommended to see adapters' documentation for more information about building queries. For example, the built-in Nebulex.Adapters.Local adapter uses :ets.match_spec() for queries, as well as other pre-defined ones like :unexpired and :expired.

Link to this section Summary


Proxy type to the adapter meta

Proxy type to the cache options


Executes the query according to the given operation.

Streams the given query.

Link to this section Types


adapter_meta() :: Nebulex.Adapter.adapter_meta()

Proxy type to the adapter meta


opts() :: Nebulex.Cache.opts()

Proxy type to the cache options

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

execute(adapter_meta, operation, query, opts)

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  operation :: :all | :count_all | :delete_all,
  query :: term(),
) :: [term()] | integer()

Executes the query according to the given operation.

Raises Nebulex.QueryError if query is invalid.

In the the adapter does not support the given operation, an ArgumentError exception should be raised.


  • :all - Returns a list with all entries from cache matching the given query.
  • :count_all - Returns the number of matched entries with the given query.
  • :delete_all - Deletes all entries matching the given query. It returns the number of deleted entries.

It is used on Nebulex.Cache.all/2, Nebulex.Cache.count_all/2, and Nebulex.Cache.delete_all/2.

Link to this callback

stream(adapter_meta, query, opts)

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stream(adapter_meta(), query :: term(), opts()) :: Enumerable.t()

Streams the given query.

Raises Nebulex.QueryError if query is invalid.
