
Gleam bindings to gun, the Erlang HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket client.

Currently this library is very basic and only supports a portion of the websocket API, and TLS is not verified! Hopefully in future a better websocket client written in Gleam can replace this one.


This package can be added to your Gleam project like so.

gleam add nerf

Then use it in your Gleam application.

import nerf/websocket
import gleam/erlang
import gleam/erlang/atom

pub fn main() {
  // Connect
  let assert Ok(conn) = websocket.connect("", "/ws", 8080, [])

  // Send some messages
  websocket.send(conn, "Hello")
  websocket.send(conn, "World")

  // Receive some messages
  let assert Ok(Text("Hello")) = websocket.receive(conn, 500)
  let assert Ok(Text("World")) = websocket.receive(conn, 500)

  // Close the connection

Testing this library

podman run --rm --detach -p 8080:8080 --name echo jmalloc/echo-server
gleam test
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