View Source NervesHubCLI.API.Product (nerves_hub_cli v2.0.1)

Manage products on NervesHub

Path: /orgs/:org_name/products



Create a new product.

Delete an existing product.

List all products for an org.

Update parameters of an existing product.


Link to this function

create(org_name, product_name, auth)

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@spec create(String.t(), any(), NervesHubCLI.API.Auth.t()) ::
  {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

Create a new product.

Verb: POST Path: /orgs/:org_name/products

Link to this function

delete(org_name, product_name, auth)

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@spec delete(String.t(), String.t(), NervesHubCLI.API.Auth.t()) ::
  {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

Delete an existing product.

Verb: DELETE Path: /orgs/:org_name/products/:product_name

@spec list(String.t(), NervesHubCLI.API.Auth.t()) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

List all products for an org.

Verb: GET Path: /orgs/:org_name/products

Link to this function

update(org_name, product_name, params, auth)

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@spec update(String.t(), String.t(), map(), NervesHubCLI.API.Auth.t()) ::
  {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

Update parameters of an existing product.

Verb: PUT Path: /orgs/:org_name/products/:product_name