View Source NervesHubLink (nerves_hub_link v2.5.0)



Checks if the device is connected to the NervesHub device channel.

Return whether there's currently an active console session

Restart the socket and device channel

Send a file to the connected console

Send update progress percentage for display in web

Send an update status to web

Checks if the device has a socket connection with NervesHub

Current status of the update manager


@spec connected?() :: boolean()

Checks if the device is connected to the NervesHub device channel.

@spec console_active?() :: boolean()

Return whether there's currently an active console session

@spec reconnect() :: :ok

Restart the socket and device channel

@spec send_file(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :too_large | File.posix()}

Send a file to the connected console

Link to this function


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@spec send_update_progress(non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Send update progress percentage for display in web

Link to this function


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@spec send_update_status(String.t() | atom()) :: :ok

Send an update status to web

Checks if the device has a socket connection with NervesHub

Current status of the update manager