nerves_network v0.5.5 Nerves.Network.Types

Types for interacting with Network.

Link to this section Summary


Event from Nerves.NetworkInterface

Interface name string

Atom for the context state machine

Ipaddress string

Link to this section Types

Link to this type ifevent()
ifevent() :: :ifadded | :ifremoved | :ifmoved | :ifup | :ifdown | :noop

Event from Nerves.NetworkInterface

Link to this type ifname()
ifname() :: String.t()

Interface name string.

Link to this type interface_context()
interface_context() :: :removed | :retry_add | :down | :up

Atom for the context state machine.

Link to this type ip_address()
ip_address() :: String.t()

Ipaddress string.

Link to this type ip_settings()
ip_settings() :: %{
  optional(:ipv4_address_method) => String.t(),
  optional(:ipv4_address) => String.t(),
  optional(:ipv4_broadcast) => String.t(),
  optional(:ipv4_subnet_mask) => String.t(),
  optional(:ipv4_gateway) => String.t(),
  optional(:domain) => String.t(),
  optional(:nameservers) => String.t()
Link to this type udhcp_info()
udhcp_info() :: %{
  ifname: ifname(),
  nameservers: [ip_address()],
  domain: String.t()