Noether.Either (noether v0.2.5)

This module hosts several utility functions to work with {:ok, _} | {:error, _} values. These type of values will be then called Either.

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Given an {:ok, value} and a function that returns an Either value, it applies the function on the value. It effectively "squashes" an {:ok, {:ok, v}} or {:ok, {:error, _}} to its most appropriate representation. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is. Please be careful and only use bind with functions that return either {:ok, } or {:error, }, otherwise you will break the Associativity law.

Given a list of Either, the function is mapped only on the elements of type {:ok, _}. Other values will be discarded. A list of the results is returned outside of the tuple.

Given a value and two functions that return an Either, it applies the first one and returns the result if it matches {:ok, _}. Otherwise the second function is applied.

Given an Either and two functions, it applies the first or second one on the second value of the tuple, depending if the value is {:ok, _} or {:error, _} respectively.

It returns true only if the value given matches a {:error, value} type.

Alias for join/1.

Given an {:ok, {:ok, value}} it flattens the ok unwrapping the value and returning {:ok, value}. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is.

Given an {:ok, value} and a function, it applies the function on the value returning {:ok, f.(value)}. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is.

Given a list of values and a function returning {:ok, any} or {:error, any}, it applies the function on every value returning {:ok, values} if every f.(v) results in {:ok, v}; returning {:error, _} if f.(v) results in an.

Given an Either and one function, it applies the function to the {:error, _} tuple.

It returns true only if the value given matches a {:ok, value} type.

Given an Either and a function, it returns the value as-is when it's ok, or executes the function and returns its result.

Given a value and a function, it applies the function on the value returning {:ok, f.(value)}. If the function throws an exception e then it is wrapped into an {:error, e}.

It returns the value of an {:ok, value} only if such a tuple is given. If not, the default value (nil if not provided) is returned.

Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.

Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.

Link to this section Types

@type either() :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}
@type fun0() :: (-> any())
@type fun1() :: (any() -> any())

Link to this section Functions

@spec bind(either(), fun1()) :: either()

Given an {:ok, value} and a function that returns an Either value, it applies the function on the value. It effectively "squashes" an {:ok, {:ok, v}} or {:ok, {:error, _}} to its most appropriate representation. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is. Please be careful and only use bind with functions that return either {:ok, } or {:error, }, otherwise you will break the Associativity law.



iex> bind({:ok, 1}, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> bind({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:error, 5} end)
{:error, 5}

iex> bind({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 45} end)
{:error, 1}
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cat_either(a, f)

@spec cat_either([either()], fun1()) :: [any()]

Given a list of Either, the function is mapped only on the elements of type {:ok, _}. Other values will be discarded. A list of the results is returned outside of the tuple.



iex> cat_either([{:ok, 1}], &(&1 + 1))

iex> cat_either([{:ok, 1}, {:error, 2}, {:ok, 3}], &(&1 + 1))
[2, 4]
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choose(a, f, g)

@spec choose(any(), fun1(), fun1()) :: either()

Given a value and two functions that return an Either, it applies the first one and returns the result if it matches {:ok, _}. Otherwise the second function is applied.



iex> choose(0, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end, fn b -> {:ok, b + 2} end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> choose(0, fn _ -> {:error, 1} end, fn b -> {:ok, b + 2} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> choose(0, fn _ -> {:error, 1} end, fn _ -> {:error, 2} end)
{:error, 2}
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either(a, f, g)

@spec either(either(), fun1(), fun1()) :: either()

Given an Either and two functions, it applies the first or second one on the second value of the tuple, depending if the value is {:ok, _} or {:error, _} respectively.



iex> either({:ok, 1}, &(&1 + 1), &(&1 + 2))
{:ok, 2}

iex> either({:error, 1}, &(&1 + 1), &(&1 + 2))
{:error, 3}
@spec error?(any()) :: boolean()

It returns true only if the value given matches a {:error, value} type.



iex> error?({:ok, 1})

iex> error?({:error, 2})

iex> error?(3)
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flat_map(either, f)

@spec flat_map(either(), fun1()) :: either()

Alias for bind/2



iex> flat_map({:ok, 1}, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> flat_map({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:error, 5} end)
{:error, 5}

iex> flat_map({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 45} end)
{:error, 1}
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@spec flatten(either()) :: either()

Alias for join/1.



iex> flatten({:ok, {:ok, 1}})
{:ok, 1}

iex> flatten({:ok, 1})
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Noether.Either.join/1

iex> flatten({:error, "Value not found"})
{:error, "Value not found"}
@spec join(either()) :: either()

Given an {:ok, {:ok, value}} it flattens the ok unwrapping the value and returning {:ok, value}. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is.



iex> join({:ok, {:ok, 1}})
{:ok, 1}

iex> join({:ok, 1})
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Noether.Either.join/1

iex> join({:error, "Value not found"})
{:error, "Value not found"}
@spec map(either(), fun1()) :: either()

Given an {:ok, value} and a function, it applies the function on the value returning {:ok, f.(value)}. If an {:error, _} is given, it is returned as-is.



iex> map({:ok, -1}, &Kernel.abs/1)
{:ok, 1}

iex> map({:error, "Value not found"}, &Kernel.abs/1)
{:error, "Value not found"}
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map_all(values, f)

@spec map_all([any()], (any() -> either())) :: {:ok, [any()]} | {:error, any()}

Given a list of values and a function returning {:ok, any} or {:error, any}, it applies the function on every value returning {:ok, values} if every f.(v) results in {:ok, v}; returning {:error, _} if f.(v) results in an.



iex> map_all(["23:50:07.0123456", "23:50:07.123Z"], &Time.from_iso8601/1)
{:ok, [~T[23:50:07.012345], ~T[23:50:07.123]]}

iex> map_all(["23:50:61", "23:50:07.123Z"], &Time.from_iso8601/1)
{:error, :invalid_time}
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map_error(a, f)

@spec map_error(either(), fun1()) :: either()

Given an Either and one function, it applies the function to the {:error, _} tuple.



iex> map_error({:ok, 1}, &(&1 + 1))
{:ok, 1}

iex> map_error({:error, 1}, &(&1 + 1))
{:error, 2}
@spec ok?(any()) :: boolean()

It returns true only if the value given matches a {:ok, value} type.



iex> ok?({:ok, 1})

iex> ok?({:error, 2})

iex> ok?(3)
@spec or_else(either(), fun1()) :: either()

Given an Either and a function, it returns the value as-is when it's ok, or executes the function and returns its result.



iex> or_else({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 2} end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> or_else({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 2} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> or_else({:error, 1}, fn x -> {:ok, x + 2} end)
{:ok, 3}
@spec try(any(), fun1()) :: either()

Given a value and a function, it applies the function on the value returning {:ok, f.(value)}. If the function throws an exception e then it is wrapped into an {:error, e}.



iex> try("42", &String.to_integer/1)
{:ok, 42}

iex> try("nan", &String.to_integer/1)
{:error, %ArgumentError{message: "errors were found at the given arguments:\n\n  * 1st argument: not a textual representation of an integer\n"}}
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unwrap(a, b \\ nil)

It returns the value of an {:ok, value} only if such a tuple is given. If not, the default value (nil if not provided) is returned.



iex> unwrap({:ok, 1})

iex> unwrap(2)

iex> unwrap({:ok, 1}, :default_value)

iex> unwrap(2, :default_value)
@spec wrap(any()) :: either()

Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.



iex> wrap({:ok, 1})
{:ok, 1}

iex> wrap({:error, 2})
{:error, 2}

iex> wrap(3)
{:ok, 3}
@spec wrap_err(any()) :: either()

Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.



iex> wrap_err({:ok, 1})
{:ok, 1}

iex> wrap_err({:error, 2})
{:error, 2}

iex> wrap_err(3)
{:error, 3}