nomad v0.7.0 Nomad
Nomad is a tool for cloud abstraction and cloud portability for Elixir and Phoenix applications.
It serves as a middle layer between client application and the cloud provider, providing portability for both Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. A common API is used for the equivalent services of each cloud platform.
Nomad is modular since it only provides an interface with the available callbacks. The actual cloud API clients are attached as dependencies, enabling developers to build new adapters for other cloud providers with services that fit into Nomad’s interfaces.
A deployment Mix task is offered for easy deployment and migration of applications between remote hosts intra or inter-cloud.
The most popular cloud services are also available: Amazon | Google Simple Storage Service (S3) | Cloud Storage Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | Compute Engine Relational Database (RDS) | Cloud SQL
Callback implementation for c::application.start/2