View Source Nostr.Event (Nostr v0.1.3)

Represents the basic structure of anything that's being sent to/from relays

Link to this section Summary


Simplifies the creation of an event, adding the created_at and tags fields and requiring the bare minimum to do so

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Nostr.Event{
  content: term(),
  created_at: term(),
  id: term(),
  kind: term(),
  pubkey: term(),
  sig: term(),
  tags: term()

Link to this section Functions

@spec create(String.t() | nil, K256.Schnorr.verifying_key() | <<_::256>>) :: t()

Simplifies the creation of an event, adding the created_at and tags fields and requiring the bare minimum to do so



iex> now = DateTime.utc_now()
...> pubkey = <<0xEFC83F01C8FB309DF2C8866B8C7924CC8B6F0580AFDDE1D6E16E2B6107C2862C::256>>
...> event = Nostr.Event.create("this is the content", pubkey)
...> %{event | created_at: now}
  id: nil,
  pubkey: <<0xefc83f01c8fb309df2c8866b8c7924cc8b6f0580afdde1d6e16e2b6107c2862c::256>>,
  kind: nil,
  created_at: now,
  tags: [],
  content: "this is the content",
  sig: nil
@spec parse(map()) :: t()