View Source Nostrum.Struct.Message.Attachment (Nostrum v0.9.0)

Struct representing a Discord message attachment.



Name of attached file

Height of the file (if image)

Attachment id

Proxy url of the file

Size of the file in bytes


Source url of the file

Width of the file (if image)


@type filename() :: String.t()

Name of attached file

@type height() :: integer() | nil

Height of the file (if image)

@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()

Attachment id

@type proxy_url() :: String.t()

Proxy url of the file

@type size() :: integer()

Size of the file in bytes

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Message.Attachment{
  filename: filename(),
  height: height(),
  id: id(),
  proxy_url: proxy_url(),
  size: size(),
  url: url(),
  width: width()
@type url() :: String.t()

Source url of the file

@type width() :: integer() | nil

Width of the file (if image)