View Source Notion.V1.Databases (ElixirNotionAPI v0.3.4)

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Creates a database as a subpage in the specified parent page, with the specified properties schema.

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post(parent, properties, optional_params \\ %{})

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Creates a database as a subpage in the specified parent page, with the specified properties schema.

Required Params

  • parent - A page parent
  • properties - Property schema of database. The keys are the names of properties as they appear in Notion and the values are property schema objects.

Optional Params

  • title - Title of database as it appears in Notion. An array of rich text objects.

Errors the API can return:

  • 400 - Returns a 400 if the request is incorrectly formatted, or a 429 HTTP response if the request exceeds the request limits.
  • 404 - Returns a 404 if the specified parent page does not exist, or if the integration does not have access to the parent page.