ntru_elixir v0.0.0 NtruElixir.Base

Base libntru NIF interface

It is NOT recommended to use this module directly.

You can use NtruElixir module which has better documentation and better api

Link to this section Summary


These are NTRU parameters. It is recommended to Use one of


Decrypts a binary with a given public_key and private_key

Encrypts a binary with public key and ntru_params

Generates a new key pair with public key and private key as binaries

Generates a key pair with one private key and multiple public keys

Generates a new public key for a given private key

Link to this section Types

Link to this type ntru_params_t()
ntru_params_t() ::
  :EES401EP1 |
  :EES541EP1 |
  :EES659EP1 |
  :EES449EP1 |
  :EES613EP1 |
  :EES761EP1 |
  :EES439EP1 |
  :EES443EP1 |
  :EES677EP1 |
  :EES887EP1 |
  :EES1087EP1 |
  :EES593EP1 |
  :EES587EP1 |
  :EES1087EP2 |
  :EES1171EP1 |
  :EES1499EP1 |
  :EES743EP1 |

These are NTRU parameters. It is recommended to Use one of:


For more information please visit: libntru - Parameter Sets

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function decrypt(pub_key, priv_key, enc_bin, ntru_params \\ :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS)
decrypt(binary(), binary(), binary(), ntru_params_t()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} |
  {:error, :init_rand_fail} |
  {:error, :dec_fail} |
  {:error, :release_rnd_fail}

Decrypts a binary with a given public_key and private_key


  • pub_key: The public key in binary format (should be same as encryption key)
  • priv_key: The private key in binary format
  • enc_bin: encrypted data as binary

Returns a tuple like {:ok, dec_bin} on success.

Link to this function encrypt(pub_key, data_bin, ntru_params \\ :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS)
encrypt(binary(), binary(), ntru_params_t()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} |
  {:error, :init_rand_fail} |
  {:error, :enc_fail} |
  {:error, :release_rnd_fail}

Encrypts a binary with public key and ntru_params.


  • pub_key: The public key in binary format
  • data_bin: Binary of the data to encrypt
  • ntru_params: NTRU parameters for key

Returns a tuple like {:ok, enc_bin} on success.

Link to this function gen_key_pair(ntru_params \\ :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS, rng \\ :NTRU_RNG_DEFAULT)
gen_key_pair(ntru_params_t(), atom()) ::
  {:ok, binary(), binary()} |
  {:error, :init_rand_fail} |
  {:error, :keygen_fail} |
  {:error, :release_rnd_fail}

Generates a new key pair with public key and private key as binaries


  • ntru_params: NTRU parameters for key
  • rng: random number generator type (not implemented yet)

Returns a tuple in format {:ok, pub_bin, priv_bin} on success.

Link to this function gen_key_pair_multi(pub_count, ntru_params \\ :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS, rng \\ :NTRU_RNG_DEFAULT)
gen_key_pair_multi(Integer.t(), ntru_params_t(), atom()) ::
  {:ok, List.t(), binary()} |
  {:error, :init_rand_fail} |
  {:error, :keygen_fail} |
  {:error, :release_rnd_fail}

Generates a key pair with one private key and multiple public keys.


  • pub_count: Number of public keys to generate
  • ntru_params: NTRU parameters for key
  • rng: random number generator type (not implemented yet)

Returns a tuple like {:ok, [pub_key1, pub_key2], priv_key} on success.

Link to this function gen_pub_key(priv_key, ntru_params \\ :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS)
gen_pub_key(binary(), ntru_params_t()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} |
  {:error, :init_rand_fail} |
  {:error, :pub_gen_fail} |
  {:error, :pub_alloc_fail}

Generates a new public key for a given private key


  • priv_key: Binary of the private key
  • ntru_params: NTRU parameters for key

Returns a tuple in format {:ok, pub_bin} on success.