View Source Nx.Defn.Composite (Nx v0.2.1)

Functions to deal with composite data types according to Nx.Container.

The functions in this module can be used both inside and outside defn.

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Traverses two composite types to see if they are compatible.

Counts the number of non-composite types in the composite type.

Flattens the given list of composite types.

Reduces the given composite types with acc and fun.

Traverses the given composite types with fun.

Traverses the given composite types with acc and fun.

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compatible?(left, right, fun)

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Traverses two composite types to see if they are compatible.

For non-composite types, the given fun will be called to compare numbers/tensors pairwise.

Counts the number of non-composite types in the composite type.



iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.count(123)
iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.count({1, {2, 3}})
iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.count({, {Nx.tensor(2), 3}})
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flatten_list(args, tail \\ [], fun \\ & &1)

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Flattens the given list of composite types.

Elements that are not tensors (i.e. numbers and Complex numbers) are kept as is unless a custom function is given.



iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.flatten_list([1, {2, 3}])
[1, 2, 3]

iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.flatten_list([1, {2, 3}], [Nx.tensor(4)])
[1, 2, 3, Nx.tensor(4)]

iex> Nx.Defn.Composite.flatten_list([1, {2, 3}], [Nx.tensor(4)], &Nx.tensor/1)
[Nx.tensor(1), Nx.tensor(2), Nx.tensor(3), Nx.tensor(4)]

Reduces the given composite types with acc and fun.

If composite tensor expressions are given, such as a tuple, the composite type is recursively traversed and returned.

If a non-composite tensor expression is given, the function is invoked for it but not for its arguments.

Traverses the given composite types with fun.

If composite tensor expressions are given, such as a tuple, the composite type is recursively traversed and returned.

If a non-composite tensor expression is given, the function is invoked for it but not for its arguments.

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traverse(expr, acc, fun)

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Traverses the given composite types with acc and fun.

If composite tensor expressions are given, such as a tuple, the composite type is recursively traversed and returned.

If a non-composite tensor expression is given, the function is invoked for it but not for its arguments.