View Source Oauth2MetadataUpdater (oauth2_metadata_updater v1.2.2)

Oauth2MetadataUpdater dynamically loads metadata (lazy-loading) and keeps it in memory for further access. Examples:

It Implements the following standards:

The following functions accept the following options:

  • suffix: the well-know URI suffix as documented in the IANA registry. Defaults to "openid-configuration"
  • refresh_interval: the number of seconds to keep metadata in cache before it is fetched again. Defaults to 3600 seconds
  • min_refresh_interval: the delay before Oauth2MetadataUpdater will try to fetch metadata of an issuer again. It is intended to prevent fetching storms when the metadata is unavailable. Defaults to 10 seconds
  • on_refresh_failure: determines the behaviour of Oauth2MetadataUpdater when the issuer metadata becomes unavailable: :keep_metadata will keep the metadata in the cache, :discard will delete the metadata. Defaults to :keep_metadata
  • :tesla_middlewares: Tesla middlewares to add to the outgoing request
  • url_construction: :standard (default) or :non_standard_append. Given the issuer "" the result URI would be:
    • :standard: ""
    • :non_standard_append: ""
  • validation: in addition to the mandatory metadata values of the OAuth2 specification, OpenID Connect makes the jwks_uri, subject_types_supported and id_token_signing_alg_values_supported values mandatory. This option determines against which standard to validate: :oauth2 or :oidc. Defaults to :oidc

The :suffix, :on_refresh_failure, :url_construction, :validation options shall be used unchanged for a given issuer between multiple calls, otherwise an exception will be raised.

Note that OAuth2 and OpenID Connect default values are automatically added to the responses.

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Returns {:ok, map_of_all_values} of the metadata of an issuer, or {:error, error} if it could not be retrieved or if validation failed.

Returns {:ok, value} of the metadata of an issuer, or {:error, error} if it could not be retrieved or if validation failed.

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get_metadata(issuer, opts \\ [])

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Returns {:ok, map_of_all_values} of the metadata of an issuer, or {:error, error} if it could not be retrieved or if validation failed.



iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata("", suffix: "openid-configuration", url_construction: :non_standard_append)
     "authorization_endpoint" => "",
     "claims_locales_supported" => ["ja-JP"],
     "claims_supported" => ["sub", "name", "given_name", "family_name", "email",
      "email_verified", "gender", "birthdate", "zoneinfo", "locale", "address",
      "iss", "aud", "exp", "iat", "nickname", "picture"],
     "display_values_supported" => ["page", "popup", "touch"],
     "grant_types_supported" => ["authorization_code", "implicit"],
     "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported" => ["RS256"],
     "issuer" => "",
     "jwks_uri" => "",
     "op_policy_uri" => "",
     "op_tos_uri" => "",
     "response_modes_supported" => ["query", "fragment"],
     "response_types_supported" => ["code", "token", "id_token", "code token",
      "code id_token", "token id_token", "code token id_token"],
     "revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported" => ["client_secret_basic"],
     "scopes_supported" => ["openid", "email", "profile", "address"],
     "service_documentation" => "",
     "subject_types_supported" => ["public"],
     "token_endpoint" => "",
     "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported" => ["client_secret_post",
     "ui_locales_supported" => ["ja-JP"],
     "userinfo_endpoint" => ""
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get_metadata_value(issuer, claim, opts \\ [])

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Returns {:ok, value} of the metadata of an issuer, or {:error, error} if it could not be retrieved or if validation failed.



iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "authorization_endpoint", suffix: "openid-configuration")
{:ok, ""}

iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "token_endpoint", suffix: "openid-configuration")
{:ok, ""}

iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "response_modes_supported", suffix: "openid-configuration")
{:ok, ["query", "fragment", "form_post"]}

iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "nonexisting_val", suffix: "openid-configuration")
{:ok, nil}

iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "claims_supported", suffix: "openid-configuration")
{:error, :invalid_http_response_code}

iex> Oauth2MetadataUpdater.get_metadata_value("", "claims_supported", suffix: "openid-configuration", url_construction: :non_standard_append)
 ["acr", "auth_time", "company", "custom_fields", "department", "email",
  "family_name", "given_name", "groups", "iss", "locale_code", "name",
  "phone_number", "preferred_username", "sub", "title", "updated_at"]}