Oban v0.8.1 Oban.Telemetry View Source

Telemetry integration for event metrics, logging and error reporting.

Oban currently emits an event when a job has exeucted: [:oban, :success] if the job succeeded or [:oban, :failure] if there was an error or the process crashed.

All job events share the same details about the job that was executed. In addition, failed jobs provide the error type, the error itself, and the stacktrace. The following chart shows which metadata you can expect for each event:

:success:id, :args, :queue, :worker, :attempt, :max_attempt
:failure:id, :args, :queue, :worker, :attempt, :max_attempt, :kind, :error, :stack

For :failure events the metadata will include details about what caused the failure. The :kind value is determined by how an error occurred. Here are the possible kinds:

  • :error — from an {:error, error} return value. Some Erlang functions may also throw an :error tuple, which will be reported as :error.
  • :exception — from a rescued exception
  • :exit — from a caught process exit
  • :throw — from a caught value, this doesn't necessarily mean that an error occurred and the error value is unpredictable

Default Logger

A default log handler that emits structured JSON is provided, see attach_default_logger/0 for usage. Otherwise, if you would prefer more control over logging or would like to instrument events you can write your own handler.


A handler that only logs a few details about failed jobs:

defmodule MicroLogger do
  require Logger

  def handle_event([:oban, :failure], %{duration: duration}, meta, nil) do
    Logger.warning("[#{meta.queue}] #{meta.worker} failed in #{duration}")

:telemetry.attach("oban-logger", [:oban, :failure], &ObanLogger.handle_event/4, nil)

Another great use of execution data is error reporting. Here is an example of integrating with Honeybadger, but only reporting jobs that have failed 3 times or more:

defmodule ErrorReporter do
  def handle_event([:oban, :failure], _timing, %{attempt: attempt} = meta, nil) do
    if attempt >= 3 do
      context = Map.take(meta, [:id, :args, :queue, :worker])

      Honeybadger.notify(meta.error, context, meta.stack)

:telemetry.attach("oban-errors", [:oban, :failure], &ErrorReporter.handle_event/4, nil)

Link to this section Summary


Attaches a default structured JSON Telemetry handler for logging.

Link to this section Functions

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View Source (since 0.4.0)
attach_default_logger() :: :ok | {:error, :already_exists}

Attaches a default structured JSON Telemetry handler for logging.

This function attaches a handler that outputs logs with the following fields:

  • source — always "oban"
  • event — either :success or :failure dependening on whether the job succeeded or errored
  • args — a map of the job's raw arguments
  • worker — the job's worker module
  • queue — the job's queue
  • duration — the job's runtime duration in microseconds


:ok = Oban.Telemetry.attach_default_logger()