View Source Oban.Config (Oban v2.15.0)
The Config struct validates and encapsulates Oban instance state.
Typically, you won't use the Config module directly. Oban automatically creates a Config struct
on initialization and passes it through to all supervised children with the :conf
To fetch a running Oban supervisor's config, see Oban.config/1
Link to this section Summary
Generate a Config struct after normalizing and verifying Oban options.
Verify configuration options.
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: %Oban.Config{ dispatch_cooldown: pos_integer(), engine: module(), get_dynamic_repo: nil | (() -> pid() | atom()), log: false | Logger.level(), name:, node: String.t(), notifier: module(), peer: false | module(), plugins: false | [module() | {module() | Keyword.t()}], prefix: false | String.t(), queues: false | Keyword.t(Keyword.t()), repo: module(), shutdown_grace_period: timeout(), stage_interval: timeout(), testing: :disabled | :inline | :manual }
Link to this section Functions
@spec new([Oban.option()]) :: t()
Generate a Config struct after normalizing and verifying Oban options.
See Oban.start_link/1
for a comprehensive description of available options.
Generate a minimal config with only a :repo
: Oban.Test.Repo)
@spec validate([Oban.option()]) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}
Verify configuration options.
This helper is used by new/1
, and therefore by Oban.start_link/1
, to verify configuration
options when an Oban supervisor starts. It is provided publicly to aid in configuration testing,
as test
config may differ from prod
Validating top level options:
iex> Oban.Config.validate(name: Oban)
iex> Oban.Config.validate(name: Oban, log: false)
iex> Oban.Config.validate(node: {:not, :binary})
{:error, "expected :node to be a non-empty binary, got: {:not, :binary}"}
iex> Oban.Config.validate(plugins: true)
{:error, "expected :plugins to be a list, got: true"}
Validating plugin options:
iex> Oban.Config.validate(plugins: [{Oban.Plugins.Pruner, max_age: 60}])
iex> Oban.Config.validate(plugins: [{Oban.Plugins.Pruner, max_age: 0}])
{:error, "expected :max_age to be a positive integer, got: 0"}