View Source Changelog for Oban v2.16

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🐑 Oban Instance Module

New facade modules allow you to call Oban functions on instances with custom names, e.g. not Oban, without passing a as the first argument.

For example, rather than calling Oban.config/1 you'd call MyOban.config/0:


It also makes piping into Oban functions far more convenient:

%{some: :args}
|> MyOban.insert()

🧩 Partial Matches in Testing Assertions

It's now possible to match a subset of fields on args or meta with all_enqueued, assert_enqueued, and refute_enqueued. For example, the following assertion will now pass:

# Given a job with these args: %{id: 123, mode: "active"}

assert_enqueued args: %{id: 123} #=> true
assert_enqueued args: %{mode: "active"} #=> true
assert_enqueued args: %{id: 321, mode: "active"} #=> false

The change applies to args and meta queries for all_enqueued/2, assert_enqueued/2 and refute_enqueued/2 helpers.

⏲️ Unique Timestamp Option

Jobs are frequently scheduled for a time far in the future and it's often desirable for to consider scheduled jobs for uniqueness, but unique jobs only checked the :inserted_at timestamp.

Now unique has a timestamp option that allows checking the :scheduled_at timestamp instead:

use Oban.Worker, unique: [period: 120, timestamp: :scheduled_at]

v2.16.3 — 2023-10-26

Bug Fixes

  • [Oban] Start Peer and Stager after Queue supervisor

    The queue supervisor blocks shutdown to give jobs time to shut down gracefully. During that time, the Peer could obtain or retain leadership despite all of the plugins having stopped. Now the Peer and Stager (which is only active on the leader) stop before the queue supervisor.

  • [Testing] Cast timestamp to utc_datetime in testing queries

    Timestamps with a timezone are now cast to :utc_datetime via a changeset before running Oban.Testing queries.

v2.16.2 — 2023-10-03

Bug Fixes

  • [Testing] Match args/meta patterns in Elixir rather than the database

    The containment operators, @> and <@, used for pattern matching in tests are only available in Postgres and have some quirks. Most notably, containment considers matching any value in a list a successful match, which isn't intuitive or desirable.

    The other issue with using a containment operator in tests is that SQLite doesn't have those operators available and test helpers are shared between all engines.


  • [Testing] Support wildcard matcher in patterns for args/meta

    Now that we match in Elixir, it's simple to support wildcard matching with a :_ to assert that a key is present in a json field without specifying an exact value.

    assert_enqueued args: %{batch_id: :_, callback: true}

v2.16.1 — 2023-09-25

Bug Fixes

  • [Testing] Restore splitting out all config options in helpers.

    Splitting all configuration keys is necessary when using perform_job/3 with non-job options such as :engine.

v2.16.0 — 2023-09-22

Bug Fixes

  • [Reindexer] Correct relname match for reindexer plugin

    We can safely assume all indexes start with oban_jobs. The previous pattern was based on an outdated index format from older migrations.

  • [Testing] Support repo, prefix, and log query options in use Oban.Testing

For changes prior to v2.16 see the v2.15 docs.