Omise.Customer (omise v0.10.0)

Provides Customer API interfaces.



Create a customer.

Destroy a customer.

List all customers.

List all cards that belongs to the customer.

List all charge schedules for a given customer.

Retrieve a customer.

Search all the customers.

Update a customer.


@type t() :: %Omise.Customer{
  cards: Omise.List.t(),
  created: String.t(),
  default_card: String.t(),
  deleted: boolean(),
  description: String.t(),
  email: String.t(),
  id: String.t(),
  livemode: boolean(),
  location: String.t(),
  metadata: map(),
  object: String.t()


Link to this function

create(params, opts \\ [])

@spec create(Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Create a customer.

Returns {:ok, customer} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Request Parameters:

  • email - (optional) Customer's email.
  • description - (optional) A custom description for the customer.
  • card - (optional) A card token in case you want to add a card to the customer.


# Create a customer without attaching a card
  email: "",
  description: "You know, it almost makes me wish for rain"

# Create a customer and attach a card
  email: "",
  description: "Don't take me tongue tied",
  card: "tokn_test_51yer81s9aqqyktdoeh"
Link to this function

destroy(id, opts \\ [])

@spec destroy(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Destroy a customer.

Returns {:ok, customer} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.


Link to this function

destroy_card(id, card_id, opts \\ [])

@spec destroy_card(String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Destroy a card.

Returns {:ok, card} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.


Omise.Customer.destroy_card("cust_test_520j6g67py52xa7qbu2", "card_test_520j6g4rxrmurw16b2d")
Link to this function

list(params \\ [], opts \\ [])

@spec list(Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Omise.List.t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

List all customers.

Returns {:ok, customers} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Query Parameters:

  • offset - (optional, default: 0) The offset of the first record returned.
  • limit - (optional, default: 20, maximum: 100) The maximum amount of records returned.
  • from - (optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the beginning of returned records.
  • to - (optional, default: current UTC Datetime, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the end of returned records.



Omise.Customer.list(limit: 5)
Link to this function

list_cards(id, params \\ [], opts \\ [])

@spec list_cards(String.t(), Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Omise.List.t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

List all cards that belongs to the customer.

Returns {:ok, cards} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Query Parameters:

  • offset - (optional, default: 0) The offset of the first record returned.
  • limit - (optional, default: 20, maximum: 100) The maximum amount of records returned.
  • from - (optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the beginning of returned records.
  • to - (optional, default: current UTC Datetime, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the end of returned records.
  • order - (optional, default: chronological) The order of the list returned.


Link to this function

list_schedules(id, params \\ [], opts \\ [])

@spec list_schedules(String.t(), Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Omise.List.t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

List all charge schedules for a given customer.

Returns {:ok, schedules} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Query Parameters:

  • offset - (optional, default: 0) The offset of the first record returned.
  • limit - (optional, default: 20, maximum: 100) The maximum amount of records returned.
  • from - (optional, default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the beginning of returned records.
  • to - (optional, default: current UTC Datetime, format: ISO 8601) The UTC date and time limiting the end of returned records.


Link to this function

retrieve(id, opts \\ [])

@spec retrieve(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Retrieve a customer.

Returns {:ok, customer} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.


Link to this function

retrieve_card(id, card_id, opts \\ [])

@spec retrieve_card(String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Retrieve a card.

Returns {:ok, card} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.


Omise.Customer.retrieve_card("cust_test_520j6g67py52xa7qbu2", "card_test_520j6g4rxrmurw16b2d")
Link to this function

search(params \\ [], opts \\ [])

@spec search(Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Omise.Search.t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Search all the customers.

Returns {:ok, customers} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Query Parameters:


Examples [created: "2016-09-09"]) "")
Link to this function

update(id, params, opts \\ [])

@spec update(String.t(), Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Update a customer.

Returns {:ok, customer} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Request Parameters:

  • email - (optional) Customer's email.
  • description - (optional) A custom description for the customer.
  • card - (optional) A card token in case you want to add a card to the customer.


# Update email and description.
  email: "",
  description: "Home is when I’m alone with you"

# Attach a card to a customer.
  card: "tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z"
Link to this function

update_card(id, card_id, params, opts \\ [])

@spec update_card(String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Omise.Error.t()}

Update a card.

Returns {:ok, card} if the request is successful, {:error, error} otherwise.

Request Parameters:

  • name - (optional) The cardholder name as printed on the card.
  • expiration_month - (optional) The expiration month printed on the card.
  • expiration_year - (optional) The expiration year printed on the card in the format YYYY.
  • postal_code - (optional) The postal code from the city where the card was issued.
  • city - (optional) The city where the card was issued.


params = [expiration_month: 12, city: "Bangkok"]
Omise.Customer.update_card("cust_test_520j6g67py52xa7qbu2", "card_test_520j6g4rxrmurw16b2d", params)