API Reference One and Done v0.1.5
OneAndDone makes it easy to introduce idempotency in any Elixir application.
Defines the most basic cache interface.
Raised when a cache is not configured. Check the docs for the OneAndDone module
you are using (e.g. OneAndDone.Plug
) for details on how to configure a cache.
Raised when the configured cache key is not an integer greater than or equal to 0.
Raised when a request's body has not been fetched.
Protocol for turning an inbound connection (e.g. a Plug.Conn) into a OneAndDone.Request or a OneAndDone.Response.
Easy to use plug for idempoent requests.
Capture the request information that we want to cache.
A basic module for capturing the essence of a response.
Telemetry integration to track how long it takes to process a request.
Additional metadata to include at the end of a span.