View Source OneDHCPD (one_dhcpd v2.0.2)

The One Address DHCP Server!

This is a simple DHCP server for supplying IP addresses on point-to-point Ethernet links. To use it, specify a static IPv4 address on the Ethernet interface and then start the server up. OneDHCPD can supply an IPv4 address for you by calling OneDHCPD.default_ip_address/1 that should minimize IP conflicts with the user's network and other OneDHCPD servers. This is the recommended approach.

OneDHCPD is mostly used behinds the scenes with VintageNet. Here's an example for using it with a virtual USB ethernet interface:

iex> VintageNet.configure("usb0", %{type: VintageNetDirect})

The Nerves new project generator adds this configuration by default. If you'd like more information, see the [VintageNetDirect[( documentation.

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Return the default server IP address that would be used for the specified interface.

Return the subnet mask that goes along with default_ip_address/1.

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@spec default_ip_address(String.t()) :: :inet.ip4_address()

Return the default server IP address that would be used for the specified interface.

@spec default_subnet_mask() :: :inet.ip4_address()

Return the subnet mask that goes along with default_ip_address/1.