View Source OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers (OnePiece.Commanded v0.19.1)

A Swiss Army Knife Helper Module.



Copy the information from the source map into the given target map.

generate_uuid() deprecated

Deprecated, it has the same behavior as

Ignores a specific error from a command dispatch result.

Increase the failure counter from Commanded.Event.FailureContext.t/0 context by one.

Returns skip or a retry response.

Returns skip or a retry response with a given delay.

Transforms the given source map or struct into the target struct.

Returns a keyword list containing the "correlation id" and "causation id" tracing.

Adds the "correlation id" and "causation id" tracing to an existing keyword list configuration option.


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@type commanded_dispatch_response() ::
  | {:ok, aggregate_state :: struct()}
  | {:ok, aggregate_version :: non_neg_integer()}
  | {:ok, execution_result :: Commanded.Commands.ExecutionResult.t()}
  | {:error, :unregistered_command}
  | {:error, :consistency_timeout}
  | {:error, reason :: term()}
@type error_context() :: Commanded.Event.FailureContext.t() | map()


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cast_to(target, source, keys)

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@spec cast_to(target :: map(), source :: map(), keys :: [Map.key()]) :: map()

Copy the information from the source map into the given target map.

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.cast_to(%{}, %{name: "ubi-wan", last_name: "kenobi"}, [:last_name])
%{last_name: "kenobi"}
This function is deprecated. Use `` instead..
@spec generate_uuid() :: String.t()

Deprecated, it has the same behavior as

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ignore_error(result, expected_error)

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@spec ignore_error(result :: commanded_dispatch_response(), [{:error, any()}]) ::

Ignores a specific error from a command dispatch result.

This function takes a dispatch result and an error term. If the result represents an error that matches the provided error term, the function returns :ok. Otherwise, it returns the original result.

This is useful when an error condition should be treated as a successful operation under specific circumstances.


iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.ignore_error({:error, :idempotency_failure}, :idempotency_failure)

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.ignore_error({:error, :something_went_wrong}, :idempotency_failure)
{:error, :something_went_wrong}

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.ignore_error(:ok, :idempotency_failure)

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.ignore_error({:ok, %{name: "Billy"}}, :idempotency_failure)
{:ok, %{name: "Billy"}}
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@spec increase_failure_counter(failure_context :: Commanded.Event.FailureContext.t()) ::

Increase the failure counter from Commanded.Event.FailureContext.t/0 context by one.

  iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.increase_failure_counter(%Commanded.Event.FailureContext{context: %{failures_count: 1}})
  %{failures_count: 2}
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skip_or_retry(arg1, context)

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@spec skip_or_retry(
  tuple_response :: commanded_dispatch_response(),
  context :: error_context()
) ::
  :skip | {:retry, error_context()}

Returns skip or a retry response.

When the Commanded.Application.dispatch/1 or Commanded.Application.dispatch/2 returns an :skip otherwise, returns a :retry response. Useful when you are doing error handling in your Commanded.Event.Handler.error/3.

iex> success_dispatch = fn _ -> :ok end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(success_dispatch.(%{}), %{})

iex> success_dispatch = fn _ -> {:ok, %{}} end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(success_dispatch.(%{}), %{})

iex> failure_dispatch = fn _ -> {:error, :ooops} end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(failure_dispatch.(%{}), %{failures: 1})
{:retry, %{failures: 1}}
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skip_or_retry(arg1, delay, context)

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@spec skip_or_retry(
  tuple_response :: commanded_dispatch_response(),
  delay :: non_neg_integer(),
  context :: error_context()
) :: :skip | {:retry, non_neg_integer(), error_context()}

Returns skip or a retry response with a given delay.

When the Commanded.Application.dispatch/1 or Commanded.Application.dispatch/2 returns an :skip otherwise, returns a :retry response. Useful when you are doing error handling in your Commanded.Event.Handler.error/3.

iex> success_dispatch = fn _ -> :ok end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(success_dispatch.(%{}), 5_000, %{})

iex> success_dispatch = fn _ -> {:ok, %{}} end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(success_dispatch.(%{}), 5_000, %{})

iex> failure_dispatch = fn _ -> {:error, :ooops} end
...> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.skip_or_retry(failure_dispatch.(%{}), 5_000, %{failures: 1})
{:retry, 5_000, %{failures: 1}}
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struct_from(source, target)

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@spec struct_from(source :: struct(), target :: struct()) :: struct()
@spec struct_from(attrs :: map(), target :: module()) :: struct()

Transforms the given source map or struct into the target struct.

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@spec tracing_from_metadata(metadata :: Commanded.Event.Handler.metadata()) :: [
  causation_id: String.t(),
  correlation_id: String.t()

Returns a keyword list containing the "correlation id" and "causation id" tracing.

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.tracing_from_metadata(%{
...>   event_id: "26eb06fe-9ba6-4f58-a2dd-2bdba73de4f2",
...>   correlation_id: "f634ba94-145c-4fa7-bf7f-0d73dd83b446"
...> })
[causation_id: "26eb06fe-9ba6-4f58-a2dd-2bdba73de4f2", correlation_id: "f634ba94-145c-4fa7-bf7f-0d73dd83b446"]

Useful when dispatching commands to copy-forward Commanded.Event.Handler.metadata/0 tracing information.

defmodule MyProcessor do
    application: MyApp,
  use Commanded.Event.Handler,
    name: "my_processor"

  alias OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers

  def handle(%MyEvent{} = event, metadata) do
      # copy-forward the information
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tracing_from_metadata(opts, metadata)

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@spec tracing_from_metadata(
  opts :: keyword(),
  metadata :: Commanded.Event.Handler.metadata()
) :: [
  causation_id: String.t(),
  correlation_id: String.t()

Adds the "correlation id" and "causation id" tracing to an existing keyword list configuration option.

iex> OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers.tracing_from_metadata([timeout: 30_000], %{
...>   event_id: "26eb06fe-9ba6-4f58-a2dd-2bdba73de4f2",
...>   correlation_id: "f634ba94-145c-4fa7-bf7f-0d73dd83b446"
...> })
[timeout: 30_000, causation_id: "26eb06fe-9ba6-4f58-a2dd-2bdba73de4f2", correlation_id: "f634ba94-145c-4fa7-bf7f-0d73dd83b446"]

Useful when dispatching commands to copy-forward the Commanded.Event.Handler.metadata/0 tracing information and wants to also add other keyword list options.

defmodule MyProcessor do
  use Commanded.Event.Handler,
    application: MyApp,
    name: "my_processor"

  alias OnePiece.Commanded.Helpers

  def handle(%MyEvent{} = event, metadata) do
      # copy-forward the information
      Helpers.tracing_from_metadata([timeout: 30_000], metadata)