one_time_pass_ecto v1.1.1 OneTimePassEcto.Base View Source

Generate and verify HOTP and TOTP one-time passwords.

Module to generate and check HMAC-based one-time passwords and time-based one-time passwords, in accordance with RFC 4226 and RFC 6238.

Two factor authentication

These one-time passwords are often used together with regular passwords to provide two factor authentication (2FA), which forms a layered approach to user authentication. The advantage of 2FA over just using passwords is that an attacker would face an additional challenge to being authorized.

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Verify a HMAC-based one-time password

Verify a time-based one-time password

Generate a HMAC-based one-time password

Generate a secret key to be used with one-time passwords

Generate a time-based one-time password

Check the one-time password is valid

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check_hotp(token, secret, opts \\ []) View Source

Verify a HMAC-based one-time password.

There are three options:

  • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

    • the default is 6
  • :last - the count when the one-time password was last used

    • this count needs to be stored server-side
  • :window - the number of future attempts allowed

    • the default is 3
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check_totp(token, secret, opts \\ []) View Source

Verify a time-based one-time password.

There are three options:

  • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

    • the default is 6
  • :interval_length - the length of each timed interval

    • the default is 30 (seconds)
  • :window - the number of attempts, before and after the current one, allowed

    • the default is 1 (1 interval before and 1 interval after)
    • you might need to increase this window to allow for clock skew on the server
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gen_hotp(secret, count, opts \\ []) View Source

Generate a HMAC-based one-time password.

Note that the count (2nd argument) should be a positive integer.

There is one option:

  • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

    • the default is 6
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gen_secret(secret_length \\ 16) View Source

Generate a secret key to be used with one-time passwords.

By default, this function creates a 16 character base32 (80-bit) string, which is compatible with Google Authenticator.

It is also possible to generate 26 character (128-bit) and 32 character (160-bit) secret keys.

RFC 4226 secret key length recommendations

According to RFC 4226, the secret key length must be at least 128 bits long, and the recommended length is 160 bits.

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gen_totp(secret, opts \\ []) View Source

Generate a time-based one-time password.

There are two options:

  • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

    • the default is 6
  • :interval_length - the length of each timed interval

    • the default is 30 (seconds)
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valid_token(token, token_length) View Source

Check the one-time password is valid.

The one-time password should be at least 6 characters long, and it should be a string which only contains numeric values.